fin rot please help


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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I noticed that my bettas tail is getting shorter by the hour....would you believe it?
He is in a 10 gal with 4 female bettas.
No real aggression going on....a bit of flaring and chasing but the females are unstressed and seem happy,healthy and fine.( Beauties they are too)
I noticed the males tail late last night. I had a betta previously in a 29gal community tank but it died looking rather bedraggled.....LPS said the gouramis bullied it though i saw no evidence of this.

So I set up the 10gal.

My LPS said the male will be fine in there with 4 females. We also have 3 guppies in there and a rescued platy.

Water perameters are ok as i test them regular.

Today I did a 30% water change and put in some meds for fungus and finrot.

Why are my male bettas fins getting ragged?
Is it stress?
Darn this hobby is testing and it's hard when you lose a fish you love.

Also....are the males more easily stressed than the females?
We,ve had the females 2 weeks and they are thriving.
We've had the male 4 days......