Fin rot?


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I got a betta for my office a few days ago. I have him in an Eclipse Explorer that was an old home for a betta I had that I put into a 15 gallon. Anyways, his fins were great, and still are, but I can't tell if they are growing or rotting. The rays are extened pretty far past the ends of the fins and they look a bit ragged and with my experience of fin rot doesn't it look like the whole fin just melts away? How do betta fins grow? Is it the rays shoot out and fin grows between them? Would it me wise to get some Maracyn-Two and use it or am I over-reacting?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Yes, betta fins grow all the time - just like hair.
Fin rot will show up as fins fraying (a lot), decaying/receeding and/or greyish edges.

You should only treat him if you a sure its rot, so keep a very close eye on him and see if it gets worse.

Your description of the rays gives me the impression they are just growing out. Melafix is a mild anti-bateria and will help with fin growth but IT WILL NOT STOP ROT!!! Trust me!

If it is fin-rot, treat it as soon as you are sure. Jungle Fungus Eliminator is what I would start with, it has anti-fungus and anti-bateria agents. Tetracyline (sp?) or some other anti-biotic is also good to have 'just in case'


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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I was wondering the same thing about my boy Samson. When I got him, he had a perfectly spade shaped tail (almost perfect point on the tip). But I noticed the other day that the tip is no longer and it's kind of separated into rays (with connected fin) that extend a bit out. At first I was worried he'd snagged himself on the plastic plant. But I've seen other betta pictures with tails like his.

Then I remembered when I bought him he was a little smaller than the other bettas in the LPS, so maybe he was just younger and his tail is growing out more and becoming more of a veil.

Anyone agree?? Or no (I've got some Bettafix just in case)

Mar 11, 2003
Scarab- sounds like yours ripped on a plastic plant. Koopa did that once and he was a DT. I would add some bettafix in there. BTW it only took Koopa less than 2 weeks to get his fins completely back to normal.

As for fin rot. Clean the water more often and add an anti-biotic or JFE.



Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2003
western canada

melafix is very effective for very mild infections. t works excellent on goldfish and the like.

For other species, of an initial salt solution in the water will help.
Then, find out why he is getting the infection. Check you water, your habits, and the surrounding environment.
Consider a filter if you dont have one.

If the problem doesnt clear up, then .. look at using a medication, and consult your LFS as to what is the best. If they dont know, ...
email me ....

Meth blue is sort of a thing of the past as it has be proven to have cancer causing agents, none the less, is still very effective.

Consider for your betta, a Indian Almond leaf for his tank.
It is thought that these leaves condition the water for "happy bettas", can inducing spawning, and holds medicinal values for bettas (like teatree oil...but different)

Hope this helps



Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have him in an Eclipse Explorer which has the whole filter and bio-wheel thing going and I had a betta in the very same tank until I decided to move him to a 15 gallon community and bring it in to work. So the water is fine as far as my test kit says. I have some melafix from an old fin tear treatment that I will bring into work Sunday afternoon to feed him and see how he's doing. If they are worse off I'll try to add some of that.


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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Thanks PresciousGems....I got home from work today and looked at Samson and his fin is worse! It looks ripped/frayed a little more and there are a couple of holes in it! So I started a dose of Bettafix tonight. I'm leaving to go out to town tomorrow I'll give him another dose before I leave. He won't get a dose Sunday...but I'll be back Monday night and will give him another dose. The directions say to give it to him for 7 you think it'll hurt that he misses just one day?? I hope not.

I hope this heals his fin quickly...I'm really attached to this guy.