Finalized Stocking Plan.


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2010
Okay, so I've had my 55 gallon set up for two or three weeks now, and so I've finalized my stocking plan. I currently am using Giant Danios to cycle it, and so far, everything has been working out okay, the danios eventually will be moved to my old tank. I have decided that these are the fish I'm going to be using in the final setup.

6 Glowlight Tetra
5 Rummynose Tetra
2 Common Angelfish (Already own)
4 Silver Dollars (Already own 3)
2 German Blue Rams
2 Blue Paradisefish
2 Pearl Gourami
1 Clown Pleco (Already own)
3 Oto cats
4 Emerald Corydoras

So far, AQadvisor has said it's okay, but it comes up with warnings claiming that the Paradisefish will eat the glowlights?! I know they're small, but I plan to buy the Glowlights next, hopefully they'll get established and won't get picked on. I'm planting the tank with plastic plants, because of the Silver Dollars, and it actually looks very good, I've put the tallest ones in the back, and I really like how it looks. In the the middle, I have a small rock formation I made out of 3 real rock pieces I bought at the LFS, but there seems to be a translucent moss/mold growing on it. Any idea what it is?

Also, if you think I need more bottom feeders, I was thinking about either putting in one Flying Fox or Kuhli Loaches in there.

And if I don't get Glowlights, because of how small they are, I may get Pristella Tetras instead.

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