Finally got the 125 going and cycled!

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I finally got my 125 going and it cycled in about a week I used about 250lbs of cured live rock a couple of used filter pads and about 50 lbs of cured sand. Here are a few pics since I re-did my aquascaping and transferred all the fish from my 30, First I moved my pair of clowns last Saturday, then last night I moved the tang and damsel. I added my brittle star, 25 hermits , 20 astrea snails , 2 turbo snails and 10 nassarius snails (sp.) on May 5th and they all did well and water still checks good my trates are at 30, trite 0, ammonia 0, ph 8.0.


Feb 8, 2009
I'm really curious about all your LR, and more so all the hitch hikers you must have. It looks like the LR is from different locations too. Let us know what goodies the LR gods provided you with. Any coral or anemones?

May 15, 2009
Got any tank shots of how it should be stacked? Thanks in advance
i dont have any pics of mine yet, but i can tell u, u would like more seperation between the rocks. looks to me like u may have some algae problems down the road becuz of that. stacking rocks creates dead spots, wich makes dead live rock. i use this stackin method also, but i try to cascade my landscape so its slopes with the tank. no rock is directly on top of another one.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
JMO Go to You Tube type in 125 gallon reef tanks and look at all the videos of the tanks, you are bound to find one you like and it will give you a starting place, thats what I did.