tank and new fish!!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
So after months of planning and saving I have finally setup my new 36 gallon tank and purchased the new inhabitants for my old 16 gallon tank. Pictures are below!!! *SUPERSMIL

The fish (all tetra's) that were living in my 16 gallon have now been moved to my 36 gallon. Eventually I will upgrade the lighting and filter (Canister filter such as Eheim or Fluval) systems but for now I need to pay off my school tuition!! School before fish....unfortunately!!

This is my stocking plan for the 36 gallon. Which many of you have seen numerous times now.
5 x Neon tetra's
5 x Glowlight tetra's
5 x Rummynose tetra's
6 x "Peaceful" Barbs
4 x leopard/zebra danio's
1 x GBR
1 x Bristlenose Pleco
I was thinking of also adding an additional 5 tetra's of another sort. I know this will be over stocking my tank but I think I can handle it. :) Or do you guys think this is a super bad idea???

I have converted my 16 gallon into dwarf puffer tank and currently contains 3 very cute and super fat DP's. Still working on the names....suggestions? My last two puffers were named Obama and 02. I was thinking of adding a couple bottom feeders such as panda or pygmy cories.
What do you guys think? Pushing the stocking limit too much??

36 gallon - has a black background (I haven't put all of it on yet but you get the idea). Sorry about the glare!
I'm kind in love with this tank!! When I upgrade the lighting I will be able to add some more plants.

36 gallon - I will be moving the heater up so that it isn't so prominent.

16 gallon - Is under construction! I had to remove all the plants and driftwood to catch my tetra's so I just quickly put it back together. Sorry about the blur (it makes the water looking really cloudy - its not I promise!!). I planning on changing the bulb because I find the lighting to be really harsh compared to the 36 gallon and I will adding a black background! I might add some rocks to this tank because I find it really lacks....something.

My DP's....who currently think I'm the devil! Lol!

I know this is a very long thread.....but I like sharing!! *celebrate

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Congrats, good to hear the new tank is up and running! I'd maybe see how those fish occupy the tank before deciding on adding 5 more tetras - not so much that I'd be concerned about being slightly overstocked, but that maybe you'd like to add something un-tetra-like instead . . . . Anyway, I know you'll be adding new stock gradually, so you'll have plenty of time to observe, and see how the fish behave and how you enjoy the aesthetics yourself . . . .


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I think I have a problem....I'm addicted to tetra's. Is there another small fish that you think would fit better? I will probably start adding new fish in about 2 - 3 weeks, every week or so. Do you think that is too fast?

Don't you think that the DP's are just the cutest? Laura, I know you share my love of DP's. I'm surprised how healthy they are....most of the stores I have bought from/seen them in they are invested with internal parasites (super skinny).