Finally restocking my 47g

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
My big tank has been languishing since this summer when it crashed and I refilled it with free (diseased) guppies from a friend who moved out of state. I finally got the diseases under control and have time to restock since marching band season is over.
Here are my ideas:
Guppies: I'd like to keep most of them (about 10 adults) but without the millions of fry
Platies: 3 females and a male
Tetras: two or three schools, neons, flames, glowlights, black skirts, or whatever my LFS gets in next
Rasboras: 6 harlequins (I would have one less school of tetras if I got rasboras)
Centerpiece fish: I'm leaning towards a gourami (opaline, powder blue, or red honey dwarf) but my LFS just got a tank full of Red Lyretail swortails. I'm hesitant to get more swordtails after my last male ate every single fry in the tank and killed a few rasboras that got in his way.

Once I have a big enough bioload of fish, I will replace my plants that died from lack of CO2 in the water when I lost all my fish. My tank has two filters, an aquaclear 50 and a Marineland biowheel that came with the guppies. It was on a ten gallon tank that had about a hundred guppies so I assume that it is a powerful filter.
I am open to suggestions for other fish but I am limited by what the one LFS has. The other fish stores around here are too disease-laden for me to even consider them.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Frequently you can ask your LFS to get a certain type of fish if they don't have them in stock. It may take a week for three to get them though. You also have the option of ordering online from places like From what I hear most of the fish off aquabid are much more healthy and disease free than anything any pet store has to offer.