Finally succumbed ... got me a Betta :D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I finally have a Betta! :D [updates w/Pics 9-18-04]

I first got back into this hobby after a multiple year absense with the idea to get myself a Betta to take care of, and that would be it.

2 years later I have a fully planted 7 gallon, and after tearing down my 2.5 gallon to make it into a terrarium for venus flytraps, I am back addicted into the Aquarium hobby.

I still didn't have a Betta though ...

I fixed that problem today! *celebrate*

I picked up a Smokey Blue/Red Crowntail Betta at my LFS, and he is a beauty. I am currently settting up his new home ... another 2.5 gallon aquarium with left over supplies, and until it is ready he will be living in my 7 gallon in a little plastic hang-on-the-tank container, to keep him from mauling my croaking gouramis ...

Expect pictures up within the next few days when I get everythign setup. This is going to be a fun tank, as I am going with a SE Asian theme for it, complete with live plants, bamboo, and subdued lighting for my new friend.

Name to come as well, and hopefully when the bruises heal after my Fiancee finds out I bought ANOTHER fish ... I'll be able to get back to everyone.

Woo, this is gonna be fun. :D

update: Here are the pics of the still unnamed betta!


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Medium Fish
May 20, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Congrats on the new betta! Be careful, though as they can become addicting, and before you know it, you'll have multiple bettas and tanks. ;)

Btw, is the bamboo going to be fake? I ask because bamboo can't live submerged in water. It will rot. I have a two gallon Asian themed betta tank, but instead of using real bamboo I found some pretty real looking fake (silk) bamboo at a local World Market.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've been doing an experiment for the past year or so with a peice of lucky bamboo that is in my kitchen... I have kept it alive and it has grown amazingly well with it about 6 inches into the water, with the leaves still above the container.

I am going to be using live bamboo, and will be trimming the unsightly roots as I see fit. This way I can have the plants growing out of the water as well, for an effect that should compliment the rest of my planted room.

Only the stalks will be submerged, so I hope to keep this working. It'll be an experiment at least, and survive or fail I am willing to try it out. :D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well ... my plans might be derailed ... as he looks so good in that 7 gallon that I might have to keep him in there :X

As far as keeping him from jumping, I have a peice of acrylic from home depot that I can cut to fit any shape I want, so I would cut out around the bamboo section, and filter,and hope for the best that gaps would be limited.

We'll see what happens, right now he looks so great in that big tank, he might take it over and I might get rid of a couple of troublesome croaking gouramis ;)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok, last update w/o good pictures.

Gourami problem in 7 gallon became just that ... too much of a problem.

My -unnamed-as-of-yet Betta has a brand new home, and that's an entire 7 gallon tank.
He shares his space with other peaceful fish:
1 Bamboo Shrimp
Cherry Red Shrimps, and an Amano Shrimp
A small school of 6 Boraras urophthalmoides
6 Pygmy Cories
a small Bristlenose ancistrus, and a small SAE (to be replaced as he grows bigger, have him to keep algae down)

So far so good, the betta seems to like swimming around in his environment. Flow is kept to a minimum w/my Millennium1000 filter. Seems to flare a lot at his reflection on the tank sides and black-painted tank rear at certain times of the day. He also seems to have distinguished tastes; that is, only eating foods that are made for Bettas, and spitting out normal tropical fish flakes.

This is a picture of him from the other night, and I promise to get a good one that isn't from my mobile phone later on, as well as a full tank shot (as a lot has happened since the last time I posted ... hooray for crypt melts. >_<)

He's mostly a steel-blue color, with very pretty black spots it seems on his tail, that is hard to make out in the picture.

As always, comments and thoughts welcome. Just don't tell me my tank is overstocked, because I won't listen and nitrates continue to be around 0ppm ;)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Nice betta..... wow its a partial double-tail and a crown-tail (aka comb-tail or frill-tail, extended-rays, ect) ... if he were here, I would breed him with one of my girls, probably make a nice spawn.

K, your reallys stocked - did you cycle this tank? Its too full, I would not have added the Boraras urophthalmoides. Your stocked for a 15 gallon tank right now, so don't be surprised if you have losses in a week or so.

The betta might survive the cycle, but the others are less likely, its tough on their gills.

Tank looks visually nice from what I can see, just think about what I suggested k?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The tank has actually been up and running for around a year now, with various stocking changes as times have gone on. This is about as low-stocked it has been for a while, and water quality continues to be pretty good.

The tank is for sure not going to get stocked anymore, as I am over my "collect the nano fish" phase, andif anything happens, some of the fish will be going as time goes on, and if I can find people in the area to give htem good homes.

On an interesting note, I seem to be missing one of my Rasboras this morning ... hope he didn't become a big snack for the Betta! O_O

Sep 10, 2004
Beautiful Betta!!!!

I agree with AquaticGem, however they're addictive. I have two, and everytime I walk into a pet store, I have a magnetic pull to the bettas, and a huge urge to buy them all.