Finally - The Purple Passion Danios !!


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
They DO exist! :) I finally picked up 3 for my tank. So far so good. They are really beautiful, even for as juvenile as they are right now. I bet when they become adult fish their color will really come out. Just has to share my excitment. Had a really had time finding a LFS that would carry them. The one I got em from ordered a bunch just because of my request, so hopefully will turn others onto them too.


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
Noticed something odd about the one fish (of the 3 I have) ... the one seems to be missing the upper lip. I wonder if it was a birth defect I didn't notice right away because they swim around so darn fast. Or maybe one of the other fish picked on it and took a chunk of the fish's face off. Either way, I feel really bad. It seems to be moving about ok, just looks wrong though. I really will be surprised if it lives much longer, as I'm not sure how it could eat under those conditions.

I do have a blind cave fish with a birth defect and have had it 2 years now, it is missing one of it's gill flaps. It's my biggest one (of 4 blind cave fish) and doesn't seem disabled by it at all.

With mass breeding of these fish, I bet a lot of defects come out, as it would with anything bred in mass quantities. Anyone have fish of their own with some sort of defect?


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
Well, this morning I cannot find the purple passion danio that was sick. We looked everywhere in that tank. The other 2 seem fine. I wonder if one of my giant danios or killifish ate the sick one, maybe it died overnight and they ate it. I feel bad. Hate losing fish, but at least would like to know what happened to it. Never had a fish go missing in this tank without a trace. There is no evidence of a jump and my lid is pretty secure anyway.