Finally upgrading to 36G Bowfront! Advice?


New Fish
Aug 2, 2009
Hello to all! So I wanted to get some advice because my new tank is coming tomorrow to get set up, and I'm so stoked about it I don't want to get carried away! After four years with my Eclipse 6, I'm finally upgrading. I had a dwarf puffer and a shrimp (started with three shrimp - only one ultimately made it) in that tank, but he died a month ago. I had always wanted a gourami, so I got a blue dwarf, and two platys and a pair of swordfish (got some bad advice at pet store I think I'm way overstocked which is the excuse I'm using to upgrade). My new tank is going to have rocks and small gravel and eventually live plants/fake plants mix after finished with cycling. So I want to move my gourami and the rest, and put in three cory cats and a crab (can't remember the name but it's red). And some algea eating shrimps. And....... ??? Am I already going to be overstocked? I should only have one gourami right? I really like how schooling fish look - neon tetras maybe? Do you think I'm covering the three levels? What would you do in there? Thanks for any help!


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
Yeah you have to watch out for the crabs. They are serious escape artists. Also if it's a red claw crab I'm pretty sure they need some sort of dock to sit on. They can't stay submerged for too long. They have to come onto a piece of land.


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
cory cats are schooling fish believe it or not... so you may need to add 2 more to your already selected 3. also, i would read up on every fish you plan to add and do the math (one inch of fish per gallon) to figure if you'd be overstocking the tank. i personally wouldn't add any crabs either..


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
You could have more than one gourami but if you do then get two females. Cories are nice to have and the platies and swordtails will go nicely. I would suggest a school of either danios or tetras to liven the tank up more. And sorry about the puffer, I'm getting two for my ten gallon next week.