
Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
We finally got to move Brilla to the living room today, he seemed SO MUCH happier as soon as he got out of his tupperwear! Here are a couple shots, this is still temporary, the sponge is only in there to seed the filter and the black gravel is just some left over from my mom's tank that I did yesterday. This will eventually be planted, but for now, just his temp. artificial plants that had the 'good bugs' on them.

This is the tank as a whole (yes there are 2 types of food despite us only having 1 betta, but he decided he didn't like the HBH Betta Bites and I was worried about him not eating, so I got the Betta Min and he started eating, then I tried the other and now he likes them too! LOL, just a better/varied diet I guess, oh well)

This is a crappy shot, but the only one I have taken that almost shows his true colors, SEE he's NOT greenish-yellow! LOL

Any ideas for a bottom feeder? It's only a 6gal, so there aren't many choices, but something because Brilla won't touch any food that isn't on the surface or just starting to fall.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL the filter I guess made the glass like a mirror and e was fairing up like crazy (I've only seen him do 1 mini-flare since I got him untill now) at the filter, so I put a white napkin up behind the tank to hide it and still flaired a bit for a while, but he seems OK now. LOL


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
:) Thanks, I am so proud of him, but the poor guy hasn't stopped building for SO LONG! LOL

Kinda hard to get a pic, and I was trying not to bother him too much, but I got this one. This does this nest no justice, it's actually much bigger than it looks here because of the angle I had to take it at.

I'm so proud of my boy! :)


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL it's nearly doubled in size since that pic, he just won't stop! LOL He flairs at me if I get too close and every once in a while he will go allt he way around the tank and flair at all of the walls, I guess just to make sure noone wants to be near his nest LOL.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
very cute fish ans curious also..Flipper gets all inquizative when I put some thing on my desk near his tank, I put a lap top glare screen on the desk and he swam over to look at it and flare at it was going to do something to him. Now eddie on the other had just stares and could care less untill it's feeding time lol


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Some condensation dripped and broke his nest all up, he's been working on fixing it, but this time it's not so big around and he's making it taller. :)

Anyone have a suggestion for why I have cloudy water? I rinsed the gravel pretty well and put 50% of the origional water back in and topped it off with Amquel and tap water. I kept the sponge filter in to seed the new filter and I kept all the plants with the 'good bugs'. I think it's got something to do with the biomedia for the aquaclear filter.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Hummm, it's still cloudy, could it be the biomedia maybe, I don't love it, but I did rinse it first, so I don't see why it should be making a big differance.

He must be happy though, the condensation builds up on the hood and keeps dripping down and busting up his nest, so he just keeps working off of what is left and making another one just a little further from the corner LOL. He's so cute! He works on that thing non stop!

I need more small filters/heaters, I NEED MORE BETTAS! LOL