Finless albino cory

Sep 10, 2004
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Well, I went to Petsmart to buy a hospital tank to medicate my albino cory catfish. He only has his tail fin as he was attacked by a red glass barb. I did not know the red glass barb would do this. Anyway, I was told by Petsmart there was nothing to medicate the fish and his fins would grow back but it would take months. The red glass barb will be traded tomorrow. (1) Does anyone know how long it will take the fins to grow back? (2) Will my fish die? (3) Is there anything to medicate the fish so his fins will grow back quicker? and (4) Is it okay to move him to a bigger tank or will the move and adding more fish make his stress resulting in his fins taking longer to heal. Any comments, suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

Feb 27, 2009
(1) Does anyone know how long it will take the fins to grow back?
If the fin rays are not comletely gone, the fish's fins may regrow. How long depends on the health of the fish and the cleanliness of the water he lives in.

(2) Will my fish die?

(3) Is there anything to medicate the fish so his fins will grow back quicker?
Soaking the food in garlic juice helps boost the immune system of any fish.

(4) Is it okay to move him to a bigger tank or will the move and adding more fish make his stress resulting in his fins taking longer to heal.
Until the fish heals, I would keep him alone. Fish tend to pick on the weak/injured and it would slow or stop his recovery.

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Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks for the quick response OrangeCones. I will move the Corey Catfish to his own tank. I wish I could post his pix so you could see if he still has fin ray. I think there is a little bit there. Appreciate you always responding to my questions. :)

Feb 27, 2009
Time will tell if he can heal. Be sure to provide him a few hiding places, even an sideways placed small clay flower pot. Since he will be alone, he will feel vulnerable without some 'cover' to prevent 'other fish' (that aren't there) from attacking him. Just for his own mental peace of mind ;)

Good luck!

Sep 10, 2004
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His tank consists of a log for hiding and plants around the log. The cory will be in a ten gal tank by himself. Once he is well again, I'll put him back with the other fish. I'll still get rid of the barb so he doesn't attack the other two cories.

PS Thanks, I'll need "good luck".