Fire Dwarf Gourami & Ghost Shrimp/Cherry Shrimp

Feb 18, 2011
I added 3 ghost shrimp to my 29 gal a few days ago. I am having a lot of fun watching them - they just add a little something. I also love how they clean excess food off any plants :). It was also hysterical watching the LFS try to catch me 3. Two of them jumped out of the tank onto the floor. I told them I didn't want those 2..just in case. When they went back to bag them, they lost one! I was VERY careful when I added them to the tank LOL.

I'm considering a Fire Dwarf Gourami for my "biggest" fish in the tank in a few weeks. Will he eat the ghost shrimp? The shrimp are pretty good size - not babies by any means.

I found some Red Cherry Shrimp at one LFS yesterday, but they are $6.00 each. I read that ghost shrimp will eat Cherry Shrimp? Is this true? The ones for $6.00 were deep red, so I'm assuming they were adults.

Feb 18, 2011
One more question. My current stock list will be: 6 Danios (Got them 3/13), 4 Albino Cories (Got them 3/21), 3 Ghost Shrimp (Have them), 1 Bumblebee Platy (Pending in 2 weeks), 1 Dwarf Gourami (Pending in 4 weeks). I added the Cories a bit sooner than I had planned, but I couldn't help myself.. They are my favorite fish so far. Water params are ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5. Testing daily with the freshwater API kit.

Would I be able to add anything else to the tank? I saw the prettiest male guppies yesterday at the LFS. Can you have just 1 male guppy? Or would he be upset alone? I don't want a female.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
I think that the fire dwarf gourami would eat the shrimp, but that's just a guess.. And in my experience with ghost shrimp, they are pretty aggressive to other bottom-dwellers, so yeah, red cherry shrimp would probably be picked on.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
One more question. My current stock list will be: 6 Danios (Got them 3/13), 4 Albino Cories (Got them 3/21), 3 Ghost Shrimp (Have them), 1 Bumblebee Platy (Pending in 2 weeks), 1 Dwarf Gourami (Pending in 4 weeks). I added the Cories a bit sooner than I had planned, but I couldn't help myself.. They are my favorite fish so far. Water params are ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5. Testing daily with the freshwater API kit.

Would I be able to add anything else to the tank? I saw the prettiest male guppies yesterday at the LFS. Can you have just 1 male guppy? Or would he be upset alone? I don't want a female.
Yup, you will have room for guppies. You have room for a few more fish - just go slow!!! A male guppy solo is fine . . . .


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I highly doubt the DG pestering the shrimp. I don't have shrimp with any of my gourami, but I know they don't bug much besides each other.

With a guppy you might, maybe, possibly, on an off-chance, may get some fin nipping/clipping from the shrimp.


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
I added cherry shrimp to a community tank with harlequin rasboras and leopard danios, and well.. I don't have any cherry shrimp any more :p IME they are extremely delicate, and even if the fish aren't big enough to swallow them whole they will pick and pick at them and they'll either tear them up or they'll die from the stress. I know lots of people keep shrimp in community tanks with no issue, I'd just warn you from my experience to be prepared to lose the shrimp in the event that it happens. I will definitely have shrimp again one of these days, but only when I can afford to do a really nice planted shrimp-only tank.