Firefish missing?

I bought a firefish and it was great watching him the first three days and he would hide at night and come out in the morning. Now I don't see him at all. Should I go moving around LR to find him or assume he doesn't want to come out or assume the worst in which case I will have to take out the LR.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Have you checked around to make sure he isn't carpet surfing? I think that they are known to be jumpers. Otherwise I am trying to remember what else you have in there as to the possiblity he met his fate by being eaten? or he could just be hiding in which case he will come out eventually when he is hungry. Moving the rock around to find him will only stress him further if that is why he is hiding. My watchman gobie stays hidden sometimes for a day or two, though I know he comes out just not when I am around....

He's been missing for more than a few days now and just as I posted it and looked up at my tank, there he was swimming in front of the flow. I got a bit nervous there. First instinct was to inspect the carpet.

I have 2 clowns that stay to the right flow during the day and move towards the left flow at night, b/c the lights turn off and the sump/fuge light goes on, so they like that additional light.