First fishbowl - help !


New Fish
Dec 30, 2014
Hi everyone,

I just bought my first fishbowl yesterday. A 6 litre (~ 1.5 gallon) one. I was uninformed and didnt know what fish to buy. The petshop staff persuaded me to buy 4 pairs of fish and i ended up getting 2 tiger barbs, 2 buones aires tetras, 2 hockeystick tetras and 2 albino redfin sharks. i thought i had made a pretty good choice until this morning when i saw one of the tiger barbs dead :(

now im beginning to feel really bad about crowding the bowl so much. please advice. what ois the max number of fish i can keep in a 1.5 ga bowl?

Thanks ,



The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
that's way too many fish in a 1.5gallon tank.

the petshop should be ashamed for selling u that many fish and right when you just got the tank without cycling.

the dead tiger barb is b/c you didn't cycle the tank.

i'd recommend you get at least a 10 gallon tank as the bare minimum for that many fishes. but w/o cycling the tank..i am afraid for the rest of your fishes unfortunately.

How Many Fish Can You Keep In A Fish Tank?

and google cycling fish tank and read up on the process.

keep us updated. good luck.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
See if the store will let you return the fish, since they sold you a bunch of fish totally unsuited to the environment. 7 fish breathing / eating / producing waste in that bowl will make it toxic rather quickly, and the rest will follow that first tiger barb. Otherwise you're looking at doing 90% water changes each day indefinitely. Afterwards, try to find a different store as that one is obviously either completely unethical or completely uneducated regarding their stock. The bowl is really only suited for a betta (and that's if it is heated / the house is kept at 70F+) or something like a few white cloud minnows or similar if it's unheated.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Just as an example, for a short time I kept a small comet goldfish in a 2.5gal bowl with some gravel and a fake plant out of one of my established tanks. If I didn't do a fin-level WC daily, it would start to register ammonia.

IMO, 2.5 gallons is one of your larger bowls too.