first venture into salt water

well... i have done some more research and decided i want to set up a 10 gallon salt water tank, i want the whole shebang. live rock sand... and... well i dont know! thats why im posting. i have been talkint to SALTY WATERS about salt water tanks but i also want some input or suggestions from other people too. keep in mind that i know nothing about salt water tanks and think they are very beautifle. i want to make my own. right now i have a 10 gallon tank, an aqua-tech HOB filter and a flourescent light tank cover... is that sort of a good start? its all left over stuff from when i used it as a freshwater tank. any ideas tips or anything else would help so please post!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
ok I get to say it first this time...research research research. Read the sticky threads at the top of the forum, wayne's on setting up a tank, the one that says what you need to start a tank...all of em have great info.

Then once you've read them read them again...while you're waiting on your copies of the books that people suggest in those threads ;)

there are only people telling about their own tanks... i want people to help me decide what i need to set up my own. for example, types of live rocks and prices, or needed chemicals. i am setting this tank up specifically for my green spotted puffer fish. so everything needs to be tailored to its needs. all these people have had prior experience and know what works and what doesnt. I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SALT WATER AQUARIUMS!!!! my goodness! its like telling an alien how to make a pb&j sandwich! you have to go into detail! PRETEND IM STUPID! (you dont have to try that hard)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
EXCUSE ME?? Tell ya what. If you can't learn and pick things up from the experience of others, then dont bother trying to go through life. We are not here to set your tank up for you.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
By reading what other people have done to their tanks you can learn about what equipment was used and why. This will help you learn what you will need for not only this tank, but future tanks that you will setup. All the information that you need to know is available right here for you, all you have to do is look for it.

My sugestion to start off with would be to read over some threads, and start making a list of equipment that you think that you may need, and then ask if that is what you will need in your tank. If people just told you what to get then it's not going to do any good in the long run if you don't know why you need it.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
it doesn't sound like you're serious about SW yet... it is going to take a lot of legwork on your part to learn about SW settups. they are much more difficult and sensitive than FW tanks, and a small 10g setup is even more challenging becasue the water chems will fluctuate much more quickly than a larger system. i suggest you buy a book and read it. start with a more simplified book then read a more in depth book.

Nov 27, 2005
you'll need a hydrometer for measuring salinity, a heater, filter, saltwater tester kit, and you'll also need to do a lot of research if you do not want to fail. In my opinion a 10 gallon is pretty small so maybe you should consider a bigger tank. Live rock can be pretty expensive.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
depends if you want LR that is cured or uncured. uncured is cheaper, but it can be a royal pain to cure it yourself. the shop i used to work at sold uncured LR for $6.00/#. there are different types of LR and some may cost more than others.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I am going to be the one to repeat.....................a 10gal tank is not a suitable environment for a green spotted puffer in ANY circumstances. Nor can you just buy one and plop it in salt water.

Furthermore if you aren't willing to do ANY research on your own, people are a lot less willing to help you.

This is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've started about Green spotted puffers and in each one people have told you again and again a 10gal isn't going to cut it.

I'm not trying to be mean, but it's obvious you haven't taken any advice or done research.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I re-read this thread and wanted to take back my comment about you not doing any research since in another thread you DID say you went to PetSmart to find some answers. That is good and shows initiative, so I wanted to apologize. However, I still think you need to listen to everyone's advice and either 1) take the fish back and get something more suitable to your 10gal tank or 2) really understand and be willing to provide and spend money on what is needed to keep your puffer happy and healthy. I can guarentee it will not have a long and happy life in a 10gal.
Good luck with either decision you make.

i am not going to keep it in a 10 forever! and i decided to go with brackish and not salt because more people seem to think that they are brackish not marine. i found conflicting sites about gsp's. some say brackish is best some say marine is best. (petsmart says brackish too) my puffer posts will now reside in the brackish section and not the saltwater section. thanks for your help everyone.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
IN THE WILD: They are BORN in BRACKISH water - THEN as they reach adulthood they travel into MARINE water and live in the ocean.....meaning they need BOTH. (I really do believe I am now repeating myself because I already said this).

If kept in the proper conditions GSP's can live a VERY long time 10-15 years, maybe longer.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
#17 what you want, but its never smart to trust someone's advice on something like this 100%. You need to take everything that everyone says with a grain of salt and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH to either confirm or deny what everyone is saying. Dont forget that the petsmart employee is making a profit by giving you advice and selling you things...and that we're here on our free time volunteering to answer your questions with our own experiences. If you're not going to take anyone's advice here seriously then you shouldn't be asking for it.

the only thing i bought was some bacteria starting stuff! if that is her idea of a big sale then i dont know why she is still working there. I HAVE DONE RESEARCH! i have found conflicting information on gsp's. like i have said before some sites say the like brackish their whole lives some say marine all the way! others yet still say start brackish and slowly move to marine! gosh, way to screw with my mind!


Large Fish
Oct 15, 2004
Visit site
I agree with Froggyfox has to say. The people that responded to this thread only want you to benefit from it. It is your choice to believe what you want but please just keep it to yourself. If you trust the petsmart "lady" more go for it. A majority of the time is that fish chain stores do not have the most informed employees. Respect is key. Good luck with your 10 gallon setup as it will cost you a fortune to keep up with.

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