Fish actin weird (Breeding)?!


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Lastnight when i got home from work my one clownfish was being really weird swimming on the side of the tank they never go to and he was going all the way up to the top then back down.. He kinda looked like he was trying to fight his reflection lol.. anyways the other one then started swimming weird over towards him.. she was making like a "m" motion when she was swimming all the way over to the other clown.. when they got by each other they started swimming really really fast by each other.. kinda like they were in FF on the VCR setting lol.. are they breeding? if so how long till she lays eggs and what do i do when they hatch?! and how long should it be? i have a 20g long that i have my peppermints in right now working on a apista rock that i will gladly kick out for some clown babys if that's in fact what they were doing! anyways if anyone knows what fish look like when their breeding please let me know if mine were or if they are just acting weird! thanks
~ Jim


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Actually this all sounds like normal, especially for percs, or ocellaris. When they're ready to breed they'll basically hang around and defend a piece of rock somewhere.
I don't know what you've bred before but you'll find baby clowns a big challenge.