Fish being nipped or fin rot??


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
:confused: I need some help figuring out what happening to 1 of my fish. I have a 46 gal tank with 5 pristilla tetra, 3 greenfire tetra, 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish (2F,1 M), 3 rummy nose tetra, and a gold mystery snail. I just added a rubber lipped pleco.

1 of the female rainbowfish is losing her tail. I have seen one of the green fire tetras being nippy towards her, but haven't actually seen it do damage. This rainbowfish has been solitary lately staying close to the plants and the top of the tank. I have had all of these fish for over a year, and so they are good size. Can anybody give me some insite as to what might be happening. No one elses fins appear to be damaged. Can fin rot affect only 1 fish???



Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
I found her dead this morning. Her fins looked not worse. They were still very pretty looking, but just shortened. Particularly on the bottom of her tail fin. No one else shows sign of their fins in distress. Hoping it was just gang fin nipping and not fin rot.
