Fish Choking?


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I have a 10G tank with 6 Bloodfins in it. This morning I fed them with the usual flake food that I use. After I returned from class I happened to notice one of them swimming near the surface of the water. It's mouth was open and it appeared to have a piece of food jammed in it's mouth. Since then, the fish has lost almost all of it's color. Is it choking? Is there anything I can do to help it? Any help is appreciated.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
as flake food stays in the water, it absorbs the water and becomes soft, so the fish would have easily swallowed it by now... are you sure its a peice of food, and not a lip desiese? cus if this is going on for more than an hour, i recommend getting that food out of his mouth asap. interveine as gently as possible. it sounds like its already stressed to hell. if it is food, then thats one glutton of a bloodfin lol