Fish Compatability

Feb 28, 2014
Hello, I am fairly new to fish keeping. I have a tank set up with 7 mollies, 2 plecos, and an african chiclid. They all have been doing fine for a few months, no aggression (which I was concerned about with the chiclid towards the mollies). I wanted to add more fish to my tank, but I am not sure about how they will get along. I would appreciate a little information regarding the following fish, and if they are compatible with my current fish:

1) Koi
2) Peacock Eel
3) Bala Shark

I was also wondering if there are any fish that anyone would suggest for this tank, I want a safe community tank, but also would like some eye catching fish.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
ok we need to know how many gallons is your tank, how many filters, and what your parameters are for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. also pH if you can.
What i can say now is that Koi do not belong in most tanks - they want tons of room such as a pond and i think bala shark need huge tanks too.

a photo of your tank would be cool too :)
To me it sounds like you want to build an African tank.

Feb 28, 2014
It was a salt water tank before I got it(and cleaned it), so It has a good set up in the back of the tank for filtration. It has use of bio balls, sponges, carbon, filter pads, and two Rio plus 2100 pumps.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I would skip the Koi but your other two choices should do fine in 200gallons. That's a big tank!
Get some sailfin mollies, if you already don't have that sort. the males are really awesome and interesting when they display their fins.

what kind of plecos do you have?

Feb 28, 2014
It is a huge tank! But, it is easier to maintain a large tank (so I hear) for a beginner than a small tank. And thus far, it has been fairly easy (except cleaning in the beginning). I have lyre tail, dalmatian, and black mollies. The plecos are common plecos that are about 5" so far. The tank just seems so empty, since it is so big.