Fish Death


New Fish
Aug 25, 2008
Hi, I have a cycled 30g tank setup with 4 balloon mollies (was 6,) 2 danios, 3 corydoras, and an outbreak of snails. Yesterday morning I woke up to find my male mollie floating at the top. Thinking he may have just died of natural causes, I was upset to find one of my female mollies dead under a plant, obviously having been there a couple of days and munched on by corys. I took the lid off and scrubbed off some green algae with hot salt water, and then did a 45% water change and gravel vacuum. However, I am very worried about my other fish. Water paramaters tested normal, my water is hard but I don't think that is a problem. Heater is functional, but used, and the temp feels a little different every time I touch the water. I thought this was just a function of it turning itself off when the desired temperature is stable, and isn't an extreme change. I have yet to change the filter media, as it has only been a couple of months since I set up the tank, and I was afraid of hurting the cycling process. Now one of my smallest females is sucking bubbles at the top and sliding her sides and belly along the glass, and just overall looks kind of droopy. I didn't see any parasites on the males body. I do have a couple of bottles with malachite green and formalin, but am hesitant to use these. If anyone has any suggestions I would be very grateful


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sorry to hear about your losses.

When you say that your water parameters tested "normal" what does this mean? Can you tell us what the levels of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are in your tank? You shouldn't need to change your filter cartridges.

Its possible that the tank is just stressed out from the deaths, and I'm guessing there was an ammonia and or nitrite spike because of the dead fish that didn't get removed immediately. If they are still acting strangely I would probably do another water change in a day or two.