When I came downstairs to check on my fish tank yesterday morning, I noticed that one of my Platies had died. This didn't come as much of a surprise to me, since she had been very ill. However, I came downstairs this morning to all of my fish acting very lethargic, and two of my Danios missing. I found the body of one of them, and I suspect the other one is dead as well. They weren't sick, and they were frolicking around normally together just last night. I checked my parameters today, and nothing is out of the ordinary, meaning that the pH has remained steady at 8.2 (I realize this is high), the ammonia and nitrite are at 0 ppm, and the nitrate is still below 5 ppm.
What could be the cause of my fish acting so strange and dying when they weren't ill?
What could be the cause of my fish acting so strange and dying when they weren't ill?