fish don't like light


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Sorry for my incessant questions lately :)

I have a small tank w/some silver tip tetras and a black phantom tetra. When I turn the light on the fish all huddle together in the corner stressing (shaking back and forth) but if I turn the light off they perk right up and start and swimming around peacefully or chasing each other.

I have another tank with red serpae and they aren't even this skittish. What gives? Should I get more (fake) plants? It's a small tank so I put the screw-in incandescent back in but that just looks dismal and depressing :) (and they still seem unsure)

Feb 27, 2009
Most fish prefer subdued lighting. Try some floating plants to diffuse the light a bit perhaps?

Also, what color gravel do you have? Light/white will reflect the light and make it seem VERY bright to a fish.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
sounds like your fish are not used to the light at all. put some plants at the surface, plastic or live, it does not matter, just to provide shade for the fish. tetras don't usually like bright lights unless they are slowly acclimated to a full photo-period.


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Thanks, I will go pick up some tall plants and hidey-holes and see if they have floating plants. Not opposed to live, just never get around to it :) Right now the incandescent is in there, I'll let them get used to it. But the tank at the store where I got them was empty/harshly lit and they seemed fine. Here, they sit and shake.. unless I feed them then it's like feeding time at the piranha tank ;)

Jun 12, 2010
I've got a ten gal. FW and keep 2 calico fantails, 2 black moors, and 2 ryukyn red & whites. I've got a 5-15 powerfilter in the back left corner, and they go over to it and shake so much, they almost look like they're vibrating, lol. I just set this up and have done all test. I had to take some ammonia out, but everything else seems fine (PH, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity, etc.). They only do it around the air bubbles. I was thinking it's not the light, but that they are maybe flushing more water/air through their gills when they're doing this. I think i'll buy a pump for a 20 gal and see if it helps. Does anyone know about this??


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome. Sorry if the first thing you hear is a big, whoa!!! But please explain, what do you mean by taking some ammonia out? Have you cycled the tank?
Cycled tanks will test for no ammonia, no nitrites, and a show some nitrates which you take out each time you do a water change.
If you haven't cycled your tank, you are unfortunately going to have a big problem with your fish - they are probably suffering from ammonia poisoning right now; plus, although I don't know tons about goldfish, your 10g seems way overstocked and you are going to have to get a bigger tank or rehome some of your fishies.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news - let's see if anyone else on this site has better advice.


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
To me it doesn't sound like the lighting is the issue. I agree with lauraf, it sounds like there is something else bothering them.
This is just a theory, but in the wild when there is something the matter with a fish (i.e. birth defect, disease..) they don't like their weakness to be revealed because it shows other fish they can be prayed upon. When you turn on the light, they may feel exposed and afraid. Just a thought, considering they were fine at the store...
Try giving each fish a thorough inspection and spotting if there is a close up problem. If nothing is visible it could be internal or they are just not used to the light.
I bet if you leave it on regularly they will get accustomed to it in time if theres no other problem going on. :)