Back last year I had a ten gallon tank with four fish (two were mollies) and they all died in one day, I didnt understand enough about fish to figure out why they died. Then my husband bought me an Oscar but before he got back from Korea the fish jumped out of the tank and flopped under my dresser.
I took a break from fish for a while but here at my new place we can only have aquarium pets. My friend gave me a 45 gallon tank and my husband and I got it up and running and let it sit over a weekend before we put fish in it. We got two angelfish, and a cambodian catfish shark. Then we added a 4 inch silverdollar and a redtail shark which came from the same person who gave us the tank. After that we added two gourami's (ones a midget) and a chinese algae eater.
A week after they were all put in together the catfish shark died, along with both angelfish, one dying each day. I took my water in to get it tested and they said my Ph and Amonia levels were really high even though the test strips I had said they were low :| (so no more test strips for me). I went to the petstore and got the right drops and figured everything was fine.
After spending enough time looking at my tank I realised that two of my fish had finrott so I went to the store and bought stuff from the store to "cure" it. I also ended up buying two more angelfish, a small silverdollar and a blue gill (Neolamprologus similis is what ur site says).
The fish were fine for a while, the larger silverdollar even grew back its back tail which had the most damage. Then the smaller of the newer angelfish died today.
I'm about to give up on fish all together... or maybe buy a bunch of silverdollars since the one that was givin to me had lived in a tank for a long time with no filter, heater or food. :|
I dont really know what I'm doing wrong, but if you have any tips on keeping my fish alive I'd love to hear them.
I took a break from fish for a while but here at my new place we can only have aquarium pets. My friend gave me a 45 gallon tank and my husband and I got it up and running and let it sit over a weekend before we put fish in it. We got two angelfish, and a cambodian catfish shark. Then we added a 4 inch silverdollar and a redtail shark which came from the same person who gave us the tank. After that we added two gourami's (ones a midget) and a chinese algae eater.
A week after they were all put in together the catfish shark died, along with both angelfish, one dying each day. I took my water in to get it tested and they said my Ph and Amonia levels were really high even though the test strips I had said they were low :| (so no more test strips for me). I went to the petstore and got the right drops and figured everything was fine.
After spending enough time looking at my tank I realised that two of my fish had finrott so I went to the store and bought stuff from the store to "cure" it. I also ended up buying two more angelfish, a small silverdollar and a blue gill (Neolamprologus similis is what ur site says).
The fish were fine for a while, the larger silverdollar even grew back its back tail which had the most damage. Then the smaller of the newer angelfish died today.
I'm about to give up on fish all together... or maybe buy a bunch of silverdollars since the one that was givin to me had lived in a tank for a long time with no filter, heater or food. :|
I dont really know what I'm doing wrong, but if you have any tips on keeping my fish alive I'd love to hear them.