Fish dying all of the sudden

Mar 25, 2010
Hello ~

I have a 62 gallon freshwater aquarium that I have had it for close to 3 months. I have 4 angelfish (2 zebras and 2 koi), 3 gouramis (1 pearl and 2 flame, half blue and half orange), several tetras (red minors, cardinals and bloodfins, 2 catfish and plecostomus, all which I have added over time. Over the weekend, I added to 2 mollies, 10 cardinal tetras, a snail and two moss balls. I have lost all but one of the new cardinal tetras. Yesterday 2 of my angels died and 2 of my gouramis died. I have checked all the water levels and everything is exactly where it should be. The last time I did a water change was about a week and a half ago. Any idea what would cause this or what I can do to prevent loosing anymore fish?


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
first off, the "moss balls" are actually just styrofoam with java moss growing on it. Styrofoam isn't exactly the safest material , being made of all kinds of chemicals.

See the link in my signature? plug all your fish into Aqadvisor. I would bet cash money you have way too many fish in the tank, which is usually the case when someone can't list how many equals "several" tetras and when that same person adds 12 fish over a weekend.

Also, common plecos grow way too big for your tank, just FYI

Feb 27, 2009
first off, the "moss balls" are actually just styrofoam with java moss growing on it. Styrofoam isn't exactly the safest material , being made of all kinds of chemicals.
Actually, I believe 'moss balls' sold for aquarium use are commonly Japanese marimo (Cladophora aegagropila) which is a type of algae.



Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi

So you added new fish and then had dead babies? Right?

Well first your "moss balls" are probably Russian Moss balls. Green 2.5" diameter+/-. I actually really like them and have several in my tanks. My fish have a tendency to tear them apart but that's ok with me. They harbor good bacteria and because of the surface area are also great for oxygenating your tank.

QT new fish. Did your dead fish get spots? speckles etc? If you buy fish at a local pet store take an LED flash light with you, shine it on the fish in the tank you are going to purchase from. If they have any white speckling, or the fish are rubbing in the tank they are sick.

Dump the common pleco. He will get really big, they are FILTHY fish, and eventually he will EAT YOUR FISH! yeah. The pet shop sells then as "algae eaters" but they are omnivores, they have teeth, and well you do the math.

you said your water is "with in range" what are your stats? If you are using the "test strips" dump those too! go out and buy the test tube dropper kind. Not as convenient but it will give you better readings. If you have good tap water you will not need the PH test kit, or hardness test kit. Just Amonia/Nitrates.

I would disagree that your tank is overstocked. 62 gal tank should be able to house about 30+/- fish if you dump the pleco, and you do water changes.

Try a fancy pleco, like a long fin albino, or a bushy some of them stay smaller and are much nicer to look at. Again pleco's eat a lot, and they are scaleless fish, so if adding a pleco skip the salt, remove if you treat for ick, and make sure you are feeding protein wafers + veggies (zucchini are the best) take a slice rubber-band it to a rock.

Mar 25, 2010

Currently I have 1 Zebra & 1 Koi Angelfish (medium sized) 1 Pearl Gourami, 8 Bloodfin Tetras, 6 Sailfin Red Minors, 2 Swordtails, 3 Cory Cats & 1 Pleco (max size 4").

2 filters running on this tank. 1 Eheim Ecco Pro canister for 80 gallon tank. 1 Marineland Emperor 400 bio wheel.

I test the water 2 x's a week & have never had any spikes & has always been at the best level possible. PH is at 6.8. Gonna do a water change tonight in the event that there is a bacteria strain that may have gotten into the tank. I have some Triple Sulfa on hand. Should I use just in case??

The 6 Cardinal Tetras I introduced over the weekend were small. I think the Angelfish ate them as I never found the bodies. Lesson learned on that.

Thanks for any advice on this!!


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
I have some Triple Sulfa on hand. Should I use just in case??

The 6 Cardinal Tetras I introduced over the weekend were small. I think the Angelfish ate them as I never found the bodies. Lesson learned on that.

Thanks for any advice on this!!
I would hold off on the triple sulfa. that could kill your catfishes and pleco and wouldnt help tetras too much either. If you were going to use it you have to cut the dose in half.

You just learned an expensive lesson about fishkeeping...Always have a quarantine tank, even if that means having a little 5 gallon tank with a sponge filter and one really lonely snail.

I so rarely purchase fish that I would know if there was the tiniest thing wrong at the stores I obsessively visit.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I guessed on the type of cory cats and the type of pleco you have. Also, serpae tetras are essentially the same as minor tetras, except for the fins. This should be fairly accurate:

Your aquarium filtration capacity is satisfactory.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 109%.
Recommended water change schedule: 68% per week. (You might want to split this water change schedule to two separate 43% per week)
Your aquarium stocking level is 183%.
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank.



Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
I have marimo balls or moss balls, TRUE moss balls, they can be squeezed for air and debris (because they are hollow from inside) and they have very thin tiny filaments as algae all individuals but they roll together in millions naturally in streams of riverbed to form a ball. they do no harm to tank regarding algae or anything else, excellent way to oxygenate your tank (if your tank is well plenty of oxygen already they will pearl up and come up on surface as hollow inside gets filled with oxygen). But they have tendency to collect lots of debris if your tank is dirty, some people keep shrimp who then start doing their work and keep balls clean.

For japanese people they are symbol of prosperity, they are kept in jars near cash counters and japanese people take care of it , the healthy living sign of marimo balls is seen as sign of prosperity. Japan has also announced it as national treasure. The green round balls are seen by them as sign of true nature of earth in green form.

I likes them :D.

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