I've been doing this for years and years and have yet to see this. In my 55g over the past few weeks, there has been a film on the surface of the water made up of millions of little white 'dots.' I've done WC's, tested water, filter changes, added some 'clear water' stuff at the advice of my LFS, vacuumed the gravel...all to no avail. It hasn't seemed to bother the fish, so I assumed as quickly as it came it would leave. Well it's still there and in the past 48 hrs I've had a fish die and 3 that probably will over the next day or so. Water parimns check out normal, water temp consistent, etc. This is a tropical set up with SD's and a few barbs and tetras. What do I do that will get rid of this stuff without causing my tank to go all out of whack with all these WC's, filter changes, etc.? HELP! Thanks