Fish dying; white film on water surface...HELP!!


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
I've been doing this for years and years and have yet to see this. In my 55g over the past few weeks, there has been a film on the surface of the water made up of millions of little white 'dots.' I've done WC's, tested water, filter changes, added some 'clear water' stuff at the advice of my LFS, vacuumed the gravel...all to no avail. It hasn't seemed to bother the fish, so I assumed as quickly as it came it would leave. Well it's still there and in the past 48 hrs I've had a fish die and 3 that probably will over the next day or so. Water parimns check out normal, water temp consistent, etc. This is a tropical set up with SD's and a few barbs and tetras. What do I do that will get rid of this stuff without causing my tank to go all out of whack with all these WC's, filter changes, etc.? HELP! Thanks :)


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; The description is not anything that I am familiar with.

A couple of brain storm ideas with no confidence in them at all.

One - Is it possible that something has been dropped into the tank? kids, cats, construction work on house, painting, pesticide spray around the house. Working with some kind of chemicals that leave a residue on your hands. New medicine.

two - Is any of the equipment damaged? A cracked bulb dropping stuff into the water. A pump or such with a cracked or damaged housing that may be leaking lubricant or something.

An invasion of some sort of insect that may have gotten into the tank? I have found all sorts of insects dead in tanks over the years.

Has the water company started to add a new treatment chemical to your tap water?

Have you had any sort of plumbing work done recently? someone might have used something during the job or disturbed sediment in the pipe.

Any new supplies being used for the tank (Or old stuff that may have gone bad)?


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
None of those apply to me and since I have 2 other tanks, I'd think the only possible one (something in our water- we have a well though) would effect the other tanks and this is the only one effected. Thanks for bringing all those up though; you never know! Any other suggestions, guys???


Small Fish
May 23, 2011
Google film on water surface fish tank. You might find some clues on the cause and solutions. My two cents tTry vacuuming the surface to get rid of the stuff. Good luck!