Fish dying???


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I'm having about a fish a day die in my 55g. Ammonia is zero. Nitrates are between 5 and 10. pH i think is between 7.2 and 7.4 although it's mid range test kit so not totally sure as that is the high end or do you call that the low end...anyway... nitrites just register... i think that's .3 but i'll have to check... it's the lowest number that registers anyway so it's not high. It was zero just a couple days ago.

So the last fish i added were some new cardinals. 5 or 6 have died since i got them. My old male betta just recently died of what appeared to be fin rot. An old neon died a few days ago. One of my old female bettas died today. All in the 55g.

I'm really worried the cory's are going to start dying off and my little single penguin tetra that has survived everything so far.

I've moved around the plants and rocks a fair bit in the last week. Stress??

I've increased the lighting alot about two days ago. From 30w to 86w.

I have one of those natural CO2 thingys. Although i don't think it's been working as the bubbles have all been going straight up and to the surface as soon as they pop out. I think i mighta fixed that tonight but that's a whole other thing.

The cardinals have been slowly dying off so i figured it was stress.

When the male betta got sick it was fairly obvious it was fin rot. I pulled him from the 55g and put him in the 20g after pulling the female betta and one penguin tetra outta there and in the 55g. I dosed the 20g with an antibiotic but it was too late and he died the next morning.

I started putting melafix in all the tanks to help with stress etc. I pulled the charcoal bio bags from the 55 and 20g. Although on second thought it didn't look like there was much for bacteria on the other filter piece on the 55 so i put them back. This was two days ago i think. Now the water isn't flowing so good through the charcoal bio bags so i pulled them again this afternoon as my whisper filter was overflowing in the middle part and only a small amount of water was actually being filtered. However, after seeing the dead female betta tonight i threw them back in. I dunno what the heck to do with them.

I don't know if all the moving around has stressed them all out or what?? All the water parameters seem normal enough... i think???

What do you guys think? Jeez i've made so many freakin changes. How stupid is that??


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Yeah...I'm thinking so many changes (moving things around, adding fish etc) and adding medication etc is probably stressing everyone out.

The nitrite not being at 0 could mean that you've been overfeeding in that tank...or not cleaned the gunk off the bottom of the tank well enough...or a combination thereof. Thats usually the culprit when you have a nitrite reading under 1...but just wont go away.

Cardinals could just be dying because they're cardinals...not the hardiest fish. How long did you have them before they started dying? If they were sick when you got them its possible that it just finally got to them. I think if I were you, I wouldn't get any additional fish for now...or actually even better yet maybe clear out the 10G and use it as a quarentine tank. Let all of your tanks CHILL for awhile...just doing your normal water changes and not moving things around all the time :) Then when you've decided on your next fish, buy them and put them in the 10G for a few weeks...and when you're sure they're free of the nasties...put them in the tank you want to add them to.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thanx Froggy... that sounds like a very sane plan. Do nothing... okay... it's going to be tough but i'm going to try and do nothing. :D

Course i wanna panic and start pulling everyone outta the 55g which i know would likely make things worse or better yet get more drugs and dose the hell out of them. :eek:

But i won't...i'll work on the quarantine tank instead. i had intended on a quarantine tank but umm somehow seemed to completely forget about the idea in my zeal to get more fish and plants. My 20g is empty now too so if i get the urge i'll go rearrange stuff in there... :eek:

I haven't had the cardinals that long... a week... maybe two. The neons school with the cardinals or the cardinals school with the neons... whatever... they all stick together... :) ... but i was surprised when one of my old neons died. A little freaked actually... i'm used to many of the new guys dyin from stress but when my older fish start dyin it's too sad... :(

I was just thinking yesterday... how huge the number of fish that die must be from people just starting out and learning. Poor things.