fish emergency!!!! 48.2 gallon.

Jan 30, 2011
I have a 48.2 gallon and all my fish keep dying. I had 1 tiger barb, 1 fire barb, 1 black skirt tetra, 5 guppies, 1 female betta, 1 hatchet fish, 1 red minor tetra and a cory cat in a ten gallon. my bettakilled 3 guppies i moved the betta into a 2 gallon then the other 2,got 3 new friends that were females this time. The 2 were injured and they died. my female guppies all died within 3 days(not from betta) I worried and instead of using my 48.2 for a turtle i decided on making it a community tank and move my goldfish to the 10. the tank was alredy cycled so i put some fish in. I bought a denison barb and 8 neon tetras. i moved my black ghost knife into that tank because of nitrates, he had a nitrate burn. after a day 1 neon died. then the ext day another died i got suspicious that my ghost knife was killing them. I moved my 6 remainning neons to a 5 gallon and none died. sfter my ghost knife healed a week later i moved him back 2 his tank. Then i put my neons back in the 48.2.after a few days i decided since my 55 gallon cant keep nitrates down that i would move my 3 dwarf gouramis and 2 bolivian rams to the 48.2. after 2 days i pu in all the fish that were currently in my ten.*GOLDFISH* goldfish were now in my ten. After a week i added 4 more tiger barbs and 4 more red minor tetras. then all my red minor tetras and my tiger barbsfins were ripped. another neon died. i left the ripped fins alone for 3 days then i realized now my dwarf gouramis haave ripped fins. i had 2 go to school so i came back and 2 died. i immedietly moved the dwarf gourami 2 the bowl and moved the betta to a .5 gallon. I give away 5 tiger barbs 2 my frien and now there fins arent ripped and theyre all healthy. He also gave me a cory cat.i boy 4 ottos pr my 10 gallonay 2 die the next day 2 die and right now one just died. 2 died from 48.2 gallon 3 died from the 10. I just thought that it was going to happen after what i saw in the store. 3 of them were dead at the store then he got one living and we turned around and it died. i set up a 12 gallon and i just put the dwarf gourami in and i realize that all my fish left [/FONT]in my 48.2 i (only 4 neonx the fifth one i havent seen in a while) have ripped fins except 4 1 fire barb, 1 denison barb and 2 bolivian rams. i move my black sjirt tetra with is my oldest fish to my 12 gallon. this is the present no more fish have died. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 27, 2009
It would be helpful to know what fish are in what tank now.

BTW, nitrates are kept down by doing regular water changes. The statement 'my 55 gallon cant keep nitrates down' makes no sense.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I agree with OC. Your post was very confusing. Can you list out exactly what is in each tank right now, along with the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings.

It sounds like you have a lot of incompatible fish in your tanks, TBH.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I agree with everything and the questions asked already by OC and Bass.

Let me see if I can decode your post......
You have a 10 gallon, 2 gallon, 48 gallon, 55 gallon, and 5 gallon tank(s)?

My thought about why your fish are dying is because of your stocking and water parameters. A lot of the fish you have together are not (usually) compatible plus the tanks you are putting them in are improper for them to be housed in. Like Bass already said.

What tanks and fish do you have remaining? Which fish are in which tank(s)?
What is your end goal in fish keeping? Do you want to keep all your tanks?