Fish Exploded

Feb 28, 2011
I have been trying get my fish tank back up and running. I had this tank set up about 3 years ago, and last month I got the tank back out and got it running again.

I had my tank running for about a week with no fish in it, I added bacteria and put a little bit of fish food in the tank the first day. At the end of the first week I got two Neon Tetra for the tank. Ten days after I got those two fish I decided that those two were doing fine and purchased several more fish.

It has now been almost three weeks since I got the additional fish. About 4 days ago I noticed that two of the fish were showing signs of Ich. I tested the water and nitrites were high. I changed about 10% of the water for three days, the nitrite started going down but the Ich was getting worse. So last night I went out and got chemicals to get rid of the Ich. I put the chemical in the tank and went to bed. Today when I got up both of my Zebra Danio's were dead.

One of them was at the bottom of the tank, its stomach area looked like it had exploded. The other was just floating at the top of the tank looking dead but normal. I can't figure it out. Neither of the Zebra Danio's looked bad at all last night or at least they weren't showing signs of Ich.

Does anybody have any ideas?
btw: The ich appears to be going away on the other fish.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
What bacteria did you add? I'm guessing your tank wasn't completely cycled when you added your fish which is why they probably developed ick or they came with it and the tank being uncycled didn't help. What were your readings (ammonia, nitrate and nitrite) like after the first week?

My thought on why your fish look liked it had exploded was because someone decided to nibble on it after it died. Fish are kinda gross that way. If your danio's weren't showing signs of ick then they may have died from the tank not being fully cycled.

What are your current readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite (numbers please)?

Welcome back to the hobby of fish and aquariums!! Plus welcome to the forum!