Fish fighting help asap please

Nov 8, 2005
Ok i have a problem i have had my tank for a year now and i got a pair of clownfish when the tank was cycled. Well i recently added a blue chromis and a yellow tail damsel. Well the clowns are beating the heck out of both of the new fish. What do i do none of the pet stores will take them i tried. I have a 10 gallon but its not cycled i have enough live rock for it what should i do i am going to set up a tank for them i think a 10 for the chromis and damsel will that be ok?


Nov 8, 2005
Yah i know. Well the store i went to has years experience and they know what they are doing they have a bunch of reefs and a huge tank with sharks they know what they are doing i know your not being blunt but all the compatibility charts i have read say that damsels and clowns can be kept together and that clowns and blue chromis are ok togethere so i dont know what do you think i should do?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
But think of it this way...the clowns are going to be your most aggressive got them and let them establish the tank as theirs. Then you add two more fish that are of the same family and can be considered a threat. What more did you expect. Chromis do better in groups. Something that people need to understand is when you are setting up a tank you need to figure out what fish you want and find out what your least aggressive fish is going to be and get that one first. And if you come across something that you want and compatbility says its ok, dont get the smallest one there is, go for a larger fish. You cant just throw fish together and expect them to get along and just cause it says somewhere that they will doesnt mean that all will. Just like some Bettas can be put with other fish and some cant. Its all in the fish.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Well, clowns are a damsels if I'm not mistaken. Clowns, damsels, and chromis have the reputation of being bullies. The LFS is doing what they do best, selling fish. They are going to tell you what they have to so you buy the fishes. Since the clowns were in there first they have their 'domain' and a 35 is kind of small for more than one domain. Have fun trying to catch the damsels. I had to take out all my LR before I could catch mine.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The only thing I can suggest is to remove your rock and rearrange it. Sometimes this will help as it confuses the fish and they think they need to re-establish thier domains........Geek is right. The only way these fish will co-habitate in that small of a tank is if they are all introduced at the same time, that way none is the dominant one. To say that the lfs has years of experience and so knows best is not necessarily always true. Often they are trying to sell fish. Also, as they are in the business of selling fish and turning over their stock (pun intended) they seldom keep their fish together long enough to develope any attitudes.....


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
what made you get damsels of all fish after a year???prolly the price :p u should have gotten a goby j/k .... im with lorna on this one the best bet is prolly to rearange the aquscaping ;)