Yes, Celestial Pearl Danio. I'll try to post another that shows their color details better. Normally I can't get a video of them face slapping each other as its usually in the back behind plants. I had moved a potted plant and got a clear view so took the video.
I have 5 of their fry now in a fry tank (hoping its their fry, may be Badis badis fry, but shape-wise, they seem like CPDs). I'll do a good gravel vac around the moss tonight to see if I can find more, and remove half the java moss (it needs trimmed anyway, getting outa control!) and see if any eggs hatch). They breed CONSTANTLY! A friend wants a few for her daughter's tank so I am trying to save more than would survive in their parents' home. I started with 6, now have 14 adults in a 29 gallon.