hey 1979--y dont u feed your polyps or mushrooms--? i have been to a couple of web sites that state u have to feed them at least once a week? filter food or sumthing like that---
i don't personally believe feeding them is necessary...a lot of people do feed and certainly it will cause them to grow more rapidly but i have found that the rate at which mine spread is fine and i have not had any problems with die off
I use a brand of flake called OSI but i believe it is only available regionally. any flake should be fine though
I have always heard a varied diet is the best diet. I only have to feed two clowns right now - but this theory def holds true for my discus cause I want them to grow up big and strong and DO THE WILD THING - doh!
I feed my clowns a flake food and mysis shrimp. I fed them shredded scallops once too. They shrimp liked that more I think.