Fish for 55g

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
ok i have decided to get some type of cichild.

first of the tank they will be in
ph 7.8(cant go higher or lower because thats how it comes out of the sink and it stays the same in the tank and dont want to mess with it)
penguin 330( i would like to keep it that way but if that is just to little filtration i cant not get anything more than a penguin 330 or anything that is more than $30)
gavel(will this be ok? if not then i cant get cichilds because i dont want to buy sand and plus i cant right now)
ok i guess thats it.

now for what i am looking for:
ok i want some fish that will breed easy. if possible to tell sex then i can just get 2 of them but if not they need to be small enough for me to get more and that they will fit in the 55g
i would like for them to also be good parents and that they would raise they fry and protect them(ie put them in their mouths) i guess that all i am really looking for. also since i kno most are diggers i cant put tall rocks so i would like one that ill swim to the top even if they arent any rock. if fake plants would help them be either place of the tank i will get those.

if i missed anything i will post

forgot to say that my top consists of 1 strip light and 2 pieces of glass and thats it so they will have to be fish that arent that strong of jumpers to take the glass of

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Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
Visit site
What are you doing with the fish currently residing in your 55? You have a lot of flexibility with a 55. But if you plan on keeping your current fish, then you are probably limiting your choices. What type of cichlid do you have in mind?

As far as filters go....I think you could get an AC500 for under $30. But I'm not sure though. You could definitely get an AC200 or 300 for under $30 that would compliment your P330.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
flex, i said what kind of fish i have in mind. i dont know much about cichilds so what i would like is to get recomandations on ones that fit the discribtion of what i want to then do research on those. the ones i have in my 55g will be moved to another tank. the 55g i have now will be empty just for the cichilds

and for the AC500 i cant get it because it cost $30 at bigals PLUS s&h so it will be more. the best deal i can get better than an AC is a Penguin 330 which is about $26 with S&H or i can also get the AC 300 for about the same so which would be better the penguin 330 or the AC 300?

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
i would like either one, no prefresence, the only thing i can think of is that if i wont be able to tell their sex i would like to get more than 2 so that 2 can pair and then get rid of the rest if they get agressive and i would need for all of them to be fine in my 55g

so CMAN if you got any ideas they can be big or small just as long as they can go in my 55g and they fit my discribtion


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
First all those in your 55gal (referring to sig) are gonna be gone right?

Hmmmm here are a few suggestions....
1You could do 2 pairs of convicts (TONS-O-FRY) and watch them sort out territories and such, should be intresting.
2Could do a pair of Severums. Cool fish, they get big and friendly.
3Angels you could get a group of 6 or so going in the 55gal.
4A big group a firemouths would look pretty cool.
5What about Discus? :)
6Or the poor man's discus - the Uaru? Not many people keep these and it'd be a challenge finding them. But they are cool fish.
7Texas Cichlids?

Of course thats for the SA/CA cichlids.

Kribs, it'd take a few pairs to fill the 55gal to stocked. And they like to dwell around the bottem so idk if you want that. Could do a Mbuna tank. Lots of colors. Of course their fry arn't cared for as good as SA/CA cichlid's are. Jewel Cichlids?

Thats all i got for now, i'll keep thinking. :D

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
wow, i never noticed how good cichilds are. htey have great personalities, CMAN remember when you told me to get some before and i said i didnt like them, i guess i just had to do some research on them, i love them so far without evern getting them :)