Fish for a 1 Gal. Hex

Jan 24, 2003
Phoenix, AZ
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We're getting ready to add fish to our 1 Gal. (I know, it's for my young son).

I'm thinking 2 guppies/mollies/swords/rummy tetras/serpae tetras, etc. or perhaps 4 cardinals/neon tetras.

Does this sound OK?

Also, would we have room for an otto/cory?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you don't have a heater, you probably don't want an otto/cory. Plus cories need to be in groups, and an otto will starve if you add it to a new tank without algae.

In a 1g, I'd go for guppies. Swords and mollies both get kind of big, tetras need a heater.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
If you are doing everything in front of your kids, you need to be especially careful not to allow any deaths. Everything should be perfect. Read stickies for setting up a new tank if it's your first tank or a second since your childhood - just a word of warning.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You've got lots more options with a 12g, especially if it's heated. Enough room for a decent school of tetras if you like them, or some of the larger more colorful livebearers (platies, mollies, swords if it is covered well).

A 12g is enough room for some of the smaller cories, you want at least 3 because they are social. I'd still wait on an otto because they don't do well until you've got enough algae for them.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I would not worry about otos because they are fine on algae wafers. I have 2 otos in 29g. They cleaned it very good, now when nothing is left they got trained on wafers to be in a specific place of the tank at the end of the day. They fly right to it.
Also you can hang microwaved salad leaves for them on the wall so they are not getting outcompeted by cories and others on the floor.
But i'd agree that otos can wait until later. They tend to perish w/o a trace in immature tank.
Mollies are tricky fish and very fussy. They also can be aggressive at times. They are preoccupied with sex kids or no kids :)
Take everything easy and proceed slowly.
Do not get plecos and pictus cats.

svetlana said:
If you are doing everything in front of your kids, you need to be especially careful not to allow any deaths.
Why? Death is a part of life, and a fishtank is actually a GREAT way to help kids understand the life-cycle. I mean, really, you should strive to keep your death-toll low no matter who the tank is for, but don't hide the deaths from your kids. My daughter has been 'helping' me with our fishtank since she was 2, and has a really good handle on the reality that 'things die'.

Really, I'd only use a 1 gallon tank as a temporary holding tank, or hospital tank. Even for a betta, 1 gallon is pretty small.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I meant unnecessary deaths, of course!
And you had a tank before your dauhgter became active participant.

I said so because if they will die because of parent's incompetence it would not look good for parents. 'If you, a parent, put all fish at once in an uncycled tank and the next morning they are floaters...
It's what i meant. I am not proponent of schielding kids from life and death issues, i'm proponent of resposibility and great opportunity that setting up the tank gives to any parent or mentor.
I would hate to look sloppy and stupid in front of kids, any kids...


New Fish
Oct 19, 2005
pguidry said:
We're getting ready to add fish to our 1 Gal. (I know, it's for my young son).

I'm thinking 2 guppies/mollies/swords/rummy tetras/serpae tetras, etc. or perhaps 4 cardinals/neon tetras.

Does this sound OK?

Also, would we have room for an otto/cory?

molly/sword tails are too big.

rummy nose are too sensitive

should be fine. But you can only keep about 3 of them in a tank that small.
Honestly/ IMO you should only keep fish in 5 gal or more.

Live plants are recommended to handle the waste produced by the fish


Small Fish
Oct 4, 2005
Vancouver, B.C.
Heh, I actually had a one gallon tank for quite awhile... one of those cheap little kits from Petcetera (kinda like Petsmart for us Canadians) that had a really noisy air pump, small light, and an undergravel filter.

I put an Anubis Barteri nano in there (damn plant cost almost as much as the whole tank kit), 3 white cloud mountain minnows, and one ramshorn snail. They did pretty well, all in all. Of course, I had to replace 3 white cloud mountain minnows while cycling the tank (I didn't really know what I was doing... I had no water test kit for ammonia and no bio-spira or other cycling bacterial add-in). Once cycled tho, everyone seemed pretty happy, with regular water changes (stupidly easy in a one gallon tank... I actually got a tiny gravel cleaner... by the time the tube was full of water, I was almost done with the cleaning, heh).

Hardcore hobbyists might laugh with scorn, but ultimately it's what got me into the hobby, and the minnows and snail finally got a new home when I finally got myself an Eclipse6 tank. Add a bunch of new plants, 3 more minnows to complete the shoal, an otto, 3 cherry shrimp, and 2 honey gouramis, and I'm one happy hobbyist. :)


Small Fish
Oct 4, 2005
Vancouver, B.C.
Capslock, we know. It's just that the idea of a 1 gallon tank (or even any kind of teeny-tiny tank) is a neat topic of conversation, just for the sake of conversation. Pguidry might have started the thread, but it's kinda everyone's thread now :)