Just got another tank, a 29g.What would you all put if you had the tank? Preferebly cichlids. Unless theres some thing very cool im missing out on,but im open to all suggestions.
You have 150 fish (mostly cichlids)... and you want advice on what kind of ciclids to buy?!?!?... with those numbers you should be an cichlid expert and schooling us on them.
sinasster- im by no means an expert, im 14, and have very little knowledge compared to you all. I was simply asking if you guys had the tank what you would put in it. AndyL ive never had angels, ive always been into the lets say maybe less dainty loking fish? But maye i should try them. Thanks to the rest, for the suggestions.
Wow 14 with all those animals? Are they all yours? The family's animals or what? There's no way my rents would've let me have more than say, a 10 gallon fishtank when I was 14.
yeah they are all mine. My dad helps w/ the weekly water changes though, other wise i wouldnt be able to take care of all of them. I wouldnt have it any other way either ive always had animals.
LOL that's pretty cool!! I don't like cichlids unless there South American Cichlids!! I'm prolly getting a 75 Gallon (i'm only 13) And i'm going to do a South American Theme with angels, South American Cichlids, characins, cories, and plecos!!!
Godzilla since you have mostly aggresive fish i'm guessing LOL Maybe you should try semi-aggresive or docile!!