Fish for a 5 gallon tank

Aug 12, 2008
Hey all! I have a five gallon tank that once housed a Betta. He has since died and my tank has been sitting empty for the last year. My question for you all is what type of freshwater and how many fish can a five gallon tank hold with out much crowding? I really want to restart my aquarium so any help would be perfect. Tips and tricks are welcome too!

Thanks, Jonathan.

Well, I know some people don't like it, but I'd go with the 1 inch of fish per gallon of water rule. That should keep you from over-stocking.
My 5g currently only holds my dwarf puffer although I had two otos in there with her a while ago.
I'm assuming it has been sitting totally empty, right? No water? Then don't forget to cycle it when you set it back up. Good luck and welcome to the site! :)

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
Visit site
your choices are rather limited with a 5g. my vote is a dwarf puffer. i love these fish. great personality, fun to feed, and fun to watch. another idea, which is something i am thinking of doing, is a shrimp tank. they can be very cool in the right set up.

Dwarfs are freshwater, or else I wouldn't have one. :) Just make sure it is a dwarf though.
If you get one, you might want to get two or three otos to keep the tank algae-free, if you need that.
Dwarf puffers eat blood worms (mosquito larvae). I feed mine freeze dried ones and an occasional ramshorn snail or two that are reproducing in my 20g.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
If you want something different, Scarlett Badis, Peacock Gudgeons, Goo obo Gudgeons are all good candidates. You can keep 6 scarletts or a trio of either gudgeon. They can be hard to find locally but are available all the time on aquabid.


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
If you get some oto's be careful with them. They are a very fragile fish. You have to stay on top of your tank maintenance to keep your parameters well within reason. They are fun little guys though. We had a few in with our betta...well, when we had a betta that it.