Fish for a Tiger Oscar bottom eater / algea

Anyone have anysuggestions on what to put in with my tiger? *GOLDFISH* I was thinking a few clown loaches 2 or 3 ... the only thing is the size of the tank isnt big enough for a ton of full grown ... it's a 38g. and well an oscar should have a 55 ... but I cant afford it right now .. he's currently in a 15g with a pleco ...I'm moving him soon. just cycling the new tank. I got it used for $30 I guess in time I'll get a larger one ... but for now this is the biggest I can do... I was wondering if I put an extra mechanical filter (the main one has 2 filter in it Top Fin 60(carbon) and then I also have a Top Fin15 I could put in)and changed them at different times if it would work cuz well the clown fish are bottom dwellers ... also how fast do they grow? <the clown fish.*BOUNCINGS

I wouldn't get any bottom feeders until you get that oscar a bigger tank (55 gallons is pretty much the minimum for one oscar, without tankmates).

Save that money you were going to spend on bottom feeders and put it towards a new big tank. If you're going to get clown loaches you'll need probably at least 100gallons as they can grow up to a foot, and need to be kept in groups of 6ish.

Oscars grow very fast, so if you can't provide a large tank for that fish in the near future I would advise returning it to the store

that would be an idea ...but

you know I would but well I want something in the tank with him ... to clean the mess on the bottom ... oscars are messy eaters. And as for "putting the money for the loaches to the tank ... the $15 for a couple loaches isnt going to make a big difference! And well if I don't spend it on them ... it'll just get spend on junk like mcdonalds or something.... My oscar isn't full grown yet only 5" maybe 6" ... we'll end up getting a big tank with my hubbies christmas bonus ... perhaps it'll be my christmas present. I'd like a 125 long *BOUNCINGS or maybee a 200 ... so what if it takes up 1/2 the apt lol.:p *thumbsups even if he gets to be close to 12" and 2 6" clowns thats 24x2=48 ok so it'll be small for a couple months not perm though ... I've heard of people keeping an oscar in a 15 ... :eek: would never agree with that cuz that would be like me living on my bathtub *crazysmil but this isnt the same ... theres plenty of room ... as they'll be mainly in different levels ... :eek: just the last few months would be ALOT of work with daily water changes to keep the water clean till they got their big tank.... although where I want to put the big one I'll probually have to clean it alot as well there will be natural sunlight ... so I'd amagine thered be more algae then they can eat ... or more to the point than they'll want to eat ... but I'm going to be getting mollies in another tank that will be going in for dinner for the O :rolleyes: perhaps I'll get alot of attitude for that ... but face it its a fish eat fish world lol... anyways I'm sure they'll eat a bit too ... if they can before theyre dinner.:rolleyes: I intend on having lots of areas for them to hide in the big tank ... my "big for now" tank doesnt have much in it ... I was more interested in getting my O out of the 15g than decorating it to be up routed anyways lol ... I just has one large rock (from the 15 so thered be something familar for him (or her ... does anyone know how to sex them?) )and a large driftwood well fairly large ... I guess for those of ya with 200 + its med lol *BOUNCINGS and then I have hamster tubing under the gravel so you can only see the holes. and a cream coloured gravel... pretty plain... my other one the 15 has a smooth rock bottom ... but no gravel or sand... I think i might get a bit of gravel for it and put the rocks on top.

ya but he's in the small tank for now ... and well honestly he makes more waste than he does good bah *crazysmil I think for the next week or 2 I'm just going to leave him in it and work on setting up my molly tank >thats where my O was and where my pleco still is... anyways I just want the tank to get used to him in it before I add more bioload lol ... but I will have to keep my eye on the nitrates etc and bring in the water to be checked a couple times a month ... especially if I choose to get the clown loach ... but they take a very long time to grow and well live a long long time! anyways gotta get ready for bed.
night all