Fish for the 20g?

Well... I had been looking forward to my 20g for about a month, but it seems that the cell phone bill and gas bill was too high (how does 1 text message equal 10 mins???). So I'm having to wait till my moms next pay day, March 10.

But I want to be ready for it when I get it, so I know exactly what I want to do with it.

I have decided I don't want to put tropical fish in it, and that I want it to be planted. But other than that, I don't know what to do.

Some of the other types of fish look pretty cool, but I haven't been able to find out what kind of care they need. I have crossed discus off my list, since the tank will only be a 20g.

But what about cichilids (or however you spell that, I really suck at spelling)? Or mabye some goldfish?

Could someone please give me some suggestions? And please include a picture, and info about what kind of care the fish needs.

Thanks so much.

Last edited:
Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
I would have to say no to the goldfish. They are more of an outdoor pond fish then anything. I think you would enjoy your tank more with several tropical fish rather then 1 goldfish.

If you are looking towards cichlids and want a planted tank I would go for german rams(way better then bolivana(sp?) rams), kribenis, or other drawf cichlids. I would not mix different species just because they can be kind of terriotorial when breeding.

Then I would throw a couple of oto catfish for algae control or drawf pleco(rubbernose or bristlenose pleco). A couple of bottom feeders. My favorite are corys they school together and are strange little buggers(who says buggers?) Maybe a several small schooling fish. Small danios or tetras what ever serves your fancy.

This is what it would look like if it was my tank
1 pair of German Rams
4-5 Corys
2-3 otos or 1 bristle nose pleco
5-6 small schooling fish tetras or what nots.
that what I would do, not sure if it is overcrowded or not.


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Somthing I did that I really liked was a school (usually 6 in my case) of tiger barbs and One small rd-tailed shark. Both species (however you spell that.) are relativly hardy, and will eat pretty much anything, and actually get along fairly well.