Fish Fray (molly platty) Shrinking and dying; HELP

Jun 8, 2010
Dear All;
My Molly and platty fry is dying after their lateral body shrinks to very lean (shown in the figure). Does any body have an idea what is wrong with them, and why they are shrinking? I’m keeping them in a clay bowl which could accommodate about one and half litter of water and feeding them 3 to four times a day with crushed fish food, and doing a regular 50% water change once in 24 hours. As their number is exceeding 50, so I fixed a very tiny injection needle on a pipe and bent it so that very small amount of air could escape. I connected this assembly with the air pump and dipped the needle in the bowl. It is making tiny bubbles which some what circulates the water producing tiny water currents. In the beginning the fry were dying and I was taking into account the quote “survival of the fittest” but now they are shrinking? Please, I’m desperate because I and my wife have developed attachment to the little ones. Any Help will be highly appreciated.

