Fish Help Stocking


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ive recently purchased a new aquarium (5 gallon) and i was wondering if itd be ok to put 3 mollies and 2 angelicus botia in there until christmas in which case id buy a tank big enough to house the Angelicus. Could i do this, if not what could i put in with the mollies that would outgrow the tank but still be fine til christmas. i like the sound of Kuhli loachs, Striped peacock eels, Dojo loachs, Flying Fox's, Dwarf Gourami's, and maybe a small south american cichlid. Please give any adivce you can. i have a large Rock decoration on one end and the other end has 5 fake plants which provides great cover. Any help will be greatly apreciated :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Three female bettas?! OMG, please don't! They'd kill each other! There is no swimming space in a tank like that for three fish that will reach 2.5" each and are generally aggressive and territorial. Especially with an odd number like three, you're just asking for trouble. One will be CONSTANTLY picked on by the other two. There also isn't enough room for any of them to get away from the others. I have four females in my 55gal tank. They have TONS of places to get away from each other and TONS of hiding places. I still have nipped fins every once in a while.

One male betta is all that would be okay for this tank, unless you wanted to do a shrimp- or invertebrate-only tank.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
You could put ONE dwarf puffer in your 5 gallon with lots of hiding places and plant (fake or real) coverage. Which is what I have in mine and he is quite happy. DP's are messy eaters so you have to do regular water changes and no products containing copper should be used around them.