Fish I would like in my tank

Apr 19, 2004
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New Tank

Hi, Im a relatively new marine fish keeper. My tank is about 3 months old. It is about 90 gal. It has a sandy bottom with loads of live rock. All chemicals, temp, salinity etc are good. So far i have in it 2 cleaner shrimp, 4 starfish, 1 clarkie clown, 1 algea blennie, 1 yellow tang & 1 sharpnose puffer. There is also an anenomea (not sure what type - long yellow tentacles with pink tips)
I would like quite a mixture of interesting fish but could you let me know what you think of the following fish as a combo. I would really like a regal tang, and a fuzzy dwarf lion. Also i really like the idea of a helmet cowfish (if i can find one). I would also like to start intruducing some soft corals - have 4 florescent tubes (2 blue, 2 white) with reflectors.

Any suggestions?

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hi. I'd give the regal tang a miss - they're not especially tricky, but you're looking for a bigger tank than you have and they're desctructive on corals. Check out wetwebmedia for the comments on Naso lituratus. The fuzzy dwarf should be ok and the cowfish I have no idea.
Thought about centropyge or the tougher Apomoleichthys angels? Tougher butterflies - Chaetodon kleinii, Heniochus
I don't know how deep a 90 is so I can't coment on what corals you can keep under 4 NO fluorescents, especially if 2 are only blue. Is nothing coming out of your live rock? You can always try mushrooms, or a small group of Protopalythoa near the surface to see what happens


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Definitely low light corals then - NO bulbs don't have the punch to give most corals adequate illumination in 2 feet of water. I guess if your live rock is well arranged you'll be able to put stuff on top of it where the water depth is less than a foot. I've seen lots of stuff grow well with NO in less than 6 inches water.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
My personal experience the Regal can be kept in a reef aquarium. If your Yellow Tang is big, he will possibly bully your Regal. As Wayne said you should be upgrading your tank size when the Regal starts to grow. You can probably add a fuzzy Dwarf Lion. Watch out for the Algae Blenny and your other small slow moving fish. I would not get the cowfish. For one reason is that most species of cowfish grow to about 2ft in length, in the aquarium or in the wild. Second reason is they can shed a toxic mucus that will kill everything in your tank, and third they have really difficult feeding requirnments. I would think about dwarf angels and fairy wrasses.

Sam Reef

Apr 19, 2004
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The yellow tang is about 3 inches. Still not sure whether to go for a regal - I would really like one as theyre beautiful but I am worried that theyre too delicate.

I havent found a helmet cowfish yet. I thought they only got to about 9 inches. I will read up about the toxic mucus thing first though b4 I make a decsion.

Bought the lionfish about 2 days ago. Have moved the sharpnose puffer to another tank to avoid the risk of him nipping the lionfishes fins. I am worried though about the fact that the lionfish has not eaten yet. Any suggestions? I was advised by the shop to feed him krill using tongs. He just keeps backing away when i try though.

Thank for all your advice.

Sep 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
Sometimes lions (IMO) are slow feeders. Once you get them to feed you will be ok. Just be persistant and try a variety of food. You might need to feed live for a little bit then try feeding freshly killed live food then switch to frozen. That sometimes works.