Aloha cichlid experts
I bought 5 new outstanding (IMO) fish yesterday, and since the guy at the LFS wasn't 100% sure of all the species (because they sometimes jump from tank to tank and some other reasons) I would like you to help me identify them. As far as I know, I got a Microchromis, a Perlmutt, an Electric Blue Ali, and 2 others that I don't know. I'll post all 5 fishes to show them to you. Here is the first one which I have not a clue about the name. Those are 6 pics of the same fish.
Thank you very much and tell me if you need more pics to help the identification. It is for sure an african cichlid, and I took the pictures with no flash while he was under a Power Glo.
I bought 5 new outstanding (IMO) fish yesterday, and since the guy at the LFS wasn't 100% sure of all the species (because they sometimes jump from tank to tank and some other reasons) I would like you to help me identify them. As far as I know, I got a Microchromis, a Perlmutt, an Electric Blue Ali, and 2 others that I don't know. I'll post all 5 fishes to show them to you. Here is the first one which I have not a clue about the name. Those are 6 pics of the same fish.
Thank you very much and tell me if you need more pics to help the identification. It is for sure an african cichlid, and I took the pictures with no flash while he was under a Power Glo.