Fish identification 3/5

Hi again... I don't know If anyone saw my thread about ick in the desease forum... but yeah, my tank is affected by ick... It affected 3 fish and 2 died already. The fish I want to identify now died yesterday night.

I'd like to know what it was anyway, before I go see that "so called" fish expert... I'm so pissed off at hih... Okay he always gave me good advices and everything... and that is why I still buy things from him, because he is always a little more expensive than the other fish stores... But this time I think I had enough. The last time I went there, I bought 5 fish, and on 5 he must have mistaken 3 (if not 4). And on 5, 3 got ick, and 2 died... I am sure he will say like, yeah you bought some at wallmart, or you got plants from another place or something... Yeah maybe, but the only fish I ever had that died were from here. It's the second time I bring ick home from there... *thumbsdow

Okay... enough complaining... Here are 3 pics of my fish a week before he died.

Thanks again guys



Small Fish
Feb 25, 2004
Visit site
You can browse thru this list
see which one look similar to your fish (dead !?!?).
You fish could be Sciaenochromis ahli , or also called Electric blue Ahli, in which case the guy at the lfs is rite.
I would look at his tanks, are they clean, are there dead fish on the bottom, the fish above was it in the tank of the same type or was mixed with a variety. If mixed then it's not a very good cichlid seller cos the fish are likely to be hybrid.
If the lfs is nice and clean then the problem could be at your place. Ick presents every where, every tanks and usually only attack fish when water quality is poor.
Good luck :eek:)

That LFS is clean... No dead fishes. Yeah he keeps mixed cichlids togheter.

I just dont see how ick can have grown on 3 fishes, that came from this specific LFS, and no other at all. There were 12 fishes in there, and only 3 were affected. The third died during the night...

I don't know where the problem came from... but I think it's sad... I'll setup a Q tank soon and I'll quarantine every fish and plant before they go in the tank.

BTW, water quality wasn't poor in my tank... I check the parameters almost every other day.

I'll talk to him about it....



Small Fish
Feb 25, 2004
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Yeah, it's sad sometime things jus happen without a reason. Jus wondering did you follow a scheme to treat ick in your tank? How long was it from infection to death? I think that ick bacteria is always imbedded in the tank, if your fish immune system gets weaken then they'll get ick. IMO, fish shouldn't be death cos of ick cos there are easy and effective ways to cure them. BTW, if you really into cichlid then you shouldn't buy cichlid from that lfs anymore. Join the cichlid-forum and you'll find it very helpful.


New Fish
Nov 30, 2004
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Sorry about your loss. Please don't take this the wrong way. And if anyone else has an opinion, please share. Anyway, in the pics, the fish all have their fin clamped down fairly tight. That is usually a sign that the fish is stressed. And stressed fish get sick. What water parameters are you checking? A happy cichlid proudly displays its fins. I'm not saying that it's your setup, just trying to eliminate possible problems. BTW, a Q-Tank is a great idea even if you trust your source of fish. One sick fish can wipe out a whole tank.


Water parameters always tested allright. No amonia, no nitrite, and very low nitrate. Dead-stable water temp, regular feeding, constant lighting, minimal stress... I guess they just didn't support the move from the lfs to here.

Oscarowner, I don't know if it was a Red Peacock... He is dead now, I'll go get some new ones (bigger and stronger) once my tank is restablished.

I think I'll get a 10 or a 20G this weekend and make it a Q tank dedicated to new fish. My 10 was bought for that reason, but it ended being used as a regular tank.... So I'll get another one... I'll quarantine every fish, every plant, and every ROCK... I hate ick, and I never want it again.

Right now, I'm treating with something called Para-Guard by Seachem. It's supposed to be lethal to ick, and the less damageable to fish and plants. I'll see what happens.



Small Fish
Jun 24, 2004
San Antonio, TX
The fish in question was a young male Aulonocara jacobfreibergi. Which varient I can't really tell for sure (possibly a "eurika red").

I see a couple of possible problems that may have caused stress in your tank. I take it they were in the 75 gallon listed in your signature (correct me if I'm wrong). In this tank you list a Heros severus (Green Severum) which is a new world cichlid requiring soft neutral to acidic water along with africans which require hard alkaline water. Where are your water parameters? What's your ph and hardness like? Hard alkaline water loving Africans should not be housed with soft acidic water loving Central and South Americans as the parrameters are going to be wrong for one or the other, no matter what you do.

African Jewels (Hemichromis sp.) tend to be very agressive and can keep other fish in the tank stressed with their constant agression.

one more quick question: You stated in the last thread "constant lighting". You don't leave the lights on 24 hours a day do you? as this can also add to stress. Fish need a dark time also.

Ick is most often seen in fish with a lowered immune system due to stress. That is why you see it in pet shops alot (over-crowding is the cause in this case most of the time).
