Hey yall
As is normally the case when I come to visit the parents something terrible happened to the fish tank. This time it's an algae bloom and a bunch of new tank mates that likely aren't compatible(angelfish ram small tetras) and I'm not sure what this one is
It sort of looks like a Danio to me. And I agree that it looks preggers as well. Although it could also be a tetra. All the fish you named can be compatible, but I'd worry about the Angel because they're so delicate, although I've admittedly never had one myself. Rams are pretty docile (and beautiful) and can be in community tanks. Sorry about the algae bloom!!!! Good luck with it haha
Your stocking can work. What's the size of the tank? In regards to the algae bloom, what's your nitrate reading in PPMs? Do you do weekly water changes?