Fish-in Cycle, confused

Jul 4, 2011
Hello! First post I think!

I started a fish-in/safestart cycle on my 29 gallon with 12 danios / pearl gourami (one danio death the first night) roughly 5 days ago. I tested my water a couple times a day through the 5 days and experienced fairly constant ammonia .25 mg/l and <0.3 mg/l nitrite levels (tetra master kit does not have a nitrate test)

Today the ammonia test came out zero and the No2 test pretty much stayed where it has been at <0.3 mg/l (those familiar with the tetra testkit, its the yellow one).

So no spikes, whatsoever, no seed material besides safestart and if you can count eco-complete. I fed the fish 2 times a day, everyday. I performed 0 water changes.

This is my very first tank and I have no idea what I am supposed to expect, but am I cycled? Can I add more fish?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Would the plants cause these readings? I have a small amount of live plants in my tank, pictured below.



Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
As the ammonia eating bacteria start to work, the nitrite levels will begin to raise, but you may need a couple more days to see the results. Slow change is good, it's the spikes you need to avoid,

Be carefull not to over feed while this is going on.

The readings you are getting (and will get) are best if you watch the pattern develop over a few days, so don't trust any one reading to give you an accurate picture when you are cycling a tank.

As for the plants – they won't be playing a part in this yet – but they will help to keep the end product of a cycled tank under control by absorbing nitrate, and they can help with oxygen levels too.

The key to cycling a tank is to do it “slowly and gently” - so be patient – and keep chaecking it

Good luck

Feb 27, 2009
While I agree that plants can and do add oxygen to the tank's water (if growing properly), they also help with ammonia and nitrite levels, not just nitrate. Aquatic plants take in ammonia first. If no ammonia is available, they will take in nitrite, and nitrates last.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Great job on the AMAZING looking tank! i only hope my new tank i get at christmas begins to look anywhere near yours :)

Now on that note, do you have any idea what you want to add to the tank? 11 danios HOLY COW! how do you NOT get motion sickness lol! If you need suggestions, feel free to ask, actually, i truely feel in 6 months, a group of Oto's would be just astounding in that tank, i belive OC would agree :) she's our "Oto Expert" here.