fish in stores...


Medium Fish
Jan 13, 2008
so im working at a superstore basically...and i spent my last 2 breaks staring at their fish. they have some really cool fish that i havent really seen before, but they are in terrible conditions.

now what i really want to know: they had some really awesome tiny baby oscars, no bigger than an inch to an inch and half...but their tail fins have orange edges... i was wondering if that was natural for oscars, or if they have fin rot or something?

despite the fact that it probably uses a common filter, and that theres a lot of algae in a couple of the tanks (non of the ones with fish), and that its really over crowded... its probably the best fish selection i have seen.

im thniking about asking my supervisor who's in charge of the fish, and how do i get that job...but i dont know that i want to be responsible for such terrible conditions...but i do like taking care of fish more than i like taking stuff off of shelves and then putting it back on said shelves...but a jobs a job i guess...

i guess the real question is if these oscars are sick or if they just look really cool


Small Fish
Oct 2, 2006
Most of the oscars I see in stores (I'm assuming you are talking about walmart) are either white/orange or black/orange.. I think as long as you don't seen any fin loss or other irregularities on the fins (such as cloudy or fuzzy junk stuck on it) then it's just the fish's natural coloring.

I think you should at the very least ask how you would get that job and do what you can to improve conditions. They won't go out of their way to give the fish excellent living conditions but you can step up and do what you can to help :) Also if it makes any difference, everytime I had an inquiry about fish at walmart the person who came to help me was a shelf stocker. I think the live fish do not have their own "person" takign car eof them 24/7 but it's a regular worker/shelf stocker. Good luck!!


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
It can't hurt to try for the job ;)! Just make sure to educate yourself about their systems and such first, perhaps understanding it and being able to talk to the supervisor about it will help you out.

Walmarts in my area actually stopped carrying live fish a few years ago but they were all MARS (Marineland Aquatic Retail System) before that. Good little systems when they are properly maintained.

Hmmm... Looks like Marineland has switched to a different system... For what it's worth here's the link:Marineland Commercial Systems
May be able to e-mail them about the older system??? All else fails Google may have something useful ;).
