Fish lover getting back into the hobby

Hey everyone!

I've had fish since I was perhaps three (you know, the usual goldfish in a bowl deal). I've had an aquarium since I was eight, and within the last two years, I've really been getting into fish. Currently, I have Zebra Danios and Glowlite Tetras (I may have made that up, but I think that's what they're called). Last summer, I had a thriving fancy Guppy population, but a disease wiped them out and I've been afraid to get more since. The tank has been thoroughly cleaned and I'm ready to start over. I'm a big Guppy fan and I'm quite excited about getting new ones!

I have a 10g tank with my current fish, and a 29g tank, which will be complete with live plants and guppies when finished. I really like blue guppies and tequilla sunrise guppies. Hopefully, I'll have both!