fish question

Mar 4, 2009
I was at Petsmart earlier looking at fish and I noticed that there were 2 cardinal tetras laying at the bottom of the tank. They were kind of upside down... laying there motionless. There was also another one that would sink towards the bottom, hit the gravel and swim up... and this would continue.

What does this mean? I'm guessing they are sick? Makes me a little concerned to buy fish there.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If you see fish upside down, they're definitely sick. Some fish live mostly on the bottom of tanks, so it would be normal for some of them to be on the bottom. However, tetras should be in the middle of the tank.

Things to look for before you buy fish:
- Good color. Pale fish mean stressed or sick fish.
- Fins intact. Ragged fins mean sick fish
- Lumps, bumps or spots on the body. If you see any of these that aren't part of the fish's natural coloring, they're sick.
- Red streaks or wounds. Another sign of sickness.
- Scales sticking out. A sick fish, which will die soon.
- Missing, swollen or sunken eyes. Not a good sign.
- Fish laying on their sides or gasping at the surface of the tank. Means they're sick.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Just to add the shipping process can add alot of stress so while it is a good chance to avoid buying fish if you see dead ones it could be the stress of being captued/packeaged and shipped/ put into another tank can also be a facture in fatalities.

Also most shops you the same filtration on a bank of tanks so if you see sick fish in one it may spread to other tanks on that same filter system.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Water quality is going to be the biggest help. Go buy test kits for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Stop buying other stuff. :) No stress stuff is going to help your fish if your water is toxic. And, btw, white-cloudy is good. Don't try to 'fix' it, it will go away when it is time.
(Okay, done with the hijack)