Fish R&D: A Beginner's Advice

When I 'finally' got my tank, I was very excited to get it ready for population. I tried to do absolutely everything right. I read websites, talked to my LFS and other fish owners. I read up on the fish that I had picked out, to make sure that I was going to be able to have them all live in the same environment.

I had added fish to my tank four times, when I finally felt the need for a Pleco to help keep things clean. I had other algae eaters, but I've been told that Plecos are among the most efficient at it.

So, off to the LFS I went. Plecos are not it seems all the ones in my area are of the larger variety. I did, however, find one that was in my price range for that week. I had never heard of this type of Pleco, and my only question to the LFS employee was 'will it get along with my other fish', to which the reply was 'yes'.


I get home, acclimate my new Pleco to the tank and before long he's in his new home. I dare say he even looked happy.

I went to the trusty internet and looked up my new pet to see what kinds of things I might want to be aware of. To Google I go...type in 'Clown Pleco' and hit enter. I looked at many sites and they all had the same thing to say...that the Clown Pleco wasn't really a big algae eater.

Go figure...I managed to pick out one of the few Plecos that don't eat algae. :mad:

Well, that's okay...I'm still keeping him, but now I have to go back and get another Pleco for what I originally wanted him for in the first place. Usually, I research the fish FIRST...but in this case, it was one I hadn't heard of, and I figured all Plecos were pretty much the same.

So...this is a small bit of advice from personal experience...if you see something you want, and didn't know about it to research beforehand...take the time to look it up first and make sure it's what you want.

I will say, however, that on the flipside...I may have got a really cool pet that I likely wouldn't have bought in the first place if I'd known anything about it. :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I wouldn't get another pleco, how about some otos? They are good algae eaters and they only get about 2".

How big is your tank? And what other fish do you have?

Plecs are pretty cool, I have a flash pleco in my tank (L204). He's not a very good algae eater either but man is he cute! Here's a website that may help,, it helped me quite a bit when I was looking for a plec.

May 15, 2006
Central Maine
I've got a common pleco and I haven't a spot of algae in my tank. (I feed him tablets at night) I don't know if he's doing an awesome job, or just that my tank doesn't support algae. (It isn't the brightest in the world)

You're right about researching the fish before you get to the store though. I had no idea Gold Gourami males are fiercly territorial and I've had some problems with that.

Also didn't know that my Pleco is going to get rather big and most likely outgrow the tank.

I wish I had found before I started this hobby!

MOsborne05 said:
They are good algae eaters and they only get about 2".
How big is your tank?
I have a 75g tank, no live plants and above average lighting. I'm not worried about size...if I need to trade him in for a smaller one later, I will.

And what other fish do you have?
Next to the Pleco, I also have a Silver Lyretail Molly, Female Red Swordtail, Khuuli Loach, Pakistani Loach, ID Shark, Black Shark, Albino Rainbow Shark, Flying Fox, 3 Silver Angels, Black Marble Angel, Large Silver Angel, Orange Snail and 4 Rosey Barbs.

Here's a website that may help,, it helped me quite a bit when I was looking for a plec.
Thanks for the site ref...I'll check it out. :)

Fishckabibble said:
just a quick fyi, that id shark WILL outgrow your tank, they can get up to 3 feet in length, and will eat smaller fish when they get bigger.
I've heard they can get up to a foot and a half...I'm not sure it'll get to three feet in only a 75g. I figure I'll have to lose him sooner or later anyway, as I've heard they tend to butt heads with the aquarium glass until it breaks.


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
I have 2 common plecos in a 75 gallon tank. Had them about 2 years now. They were tiny when we got them, only a few inches. Now they are over 12 inches long (from nose to tip of tail). Anyway, the lfs I got them from said to buy 2. Now I read that plecos generally should be kept solo. Well, they seem to get along for the most part, I guess since they grew up together.

Jan 13, 2006
heres a quick little article about tese id sharks,

and i have seen a 2' id shark in a pet store, it was one of their showcase fish.
fish dont grow to the size of their tanks, they do outgrow them, and that is the biggest rumors out there. it really gets on my nerves when people actually beleive a fish is gonna stop growing because it is in a tank.

Fishckabibble said:
heres a quick little article about tese id sharks,

and i have seen a 2' id shark in a pet store, it was one of their showcase fish.
fish dont grow to the size of their tanks, they do outgrow them, and that is the biggest rumors out there. it really gets on my nerves when people actually beleive a fish is gonna stop growing because it is in a tank.
I've just always been under the impression that the size of a fish has partly to do with its species, and partly to do with its home. (Big lake, big fish...small lake, small fish)

I don't remember where I ever heard that, but it's something that's always stuck with me.

Like an Old Wive's Tale, I suppose...

Anyways, I'll check out that link...he is by far my favourite of the bunch, so I'd like to learn more about him.

MOsborne05 said:
While your at it, check this thread out too, if you haven't already :)
Thank you, I hadn't seen that thread.

Here's my problem, then, I suppose...I already 'have' an ID Shark, and I'm rather attached to him. When I first started looking at fish, the first one that caught my eye was a Bala shark. Another hobbyist there told me that they're great when they're small, but don't really 'look' like sharks when they grow older. He took me over to another tank, and it was true...I didn't really like the adult Bala. He told me that the ID sharks keep their 'sharkiness', and that he loves his. He told me he just bought a 300g tank to put his in, as it had grown to a foot and a half.

Now, knowing this I still bought one. I figured a 75g was plenty big for it for a while (at least two years, I'd say) and also knowing that I would eventually like to get an even bigger tank. Then I found out (after the purchase) that they can actually break aquariums (though I wasn't told it was because of 'poor eyesite', but just cuz they liked to bash the glass). This is something I certainly don't want to happen.

So, what to do? I really do like this guy (named him Schizm) and have nursed him through a bout of Ick. He's my favourite, for sure...and I'd really hate to bring him back to the LFS, but at the same time, I don't want to be stuck with him later on and not be able to give him a proper home.

Any suggestions?