Fish store finds...


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Obviously, I haven't bought any of these, but I discovered a terrific LFS in the North suburbs (Skokie, to be exact) that has a few lesser-seen plecos, at least in this neck of the woods...

L-136: PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Hypancistrus sp(l136)

L-103: PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Peckoltia sp(l103)

L-147: PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Peckoltia sp(l147)

Pure, PC, others - any words of wisdom about these? The L-136 in particular caught my eye...

They also had gold spots, scribbles, pitbulls, L-187a's, L-201's, albino BNs, and a few others...A veritable gold mine compared to their competition in the area...

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