Fish Swapping .. Is It a Good Idea?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Alright well i just came up with the idea of taking the 7 Zebra Danios from my 38g and swapping them with my 7 Bloodfins. The bloodfins are all 2 inches or more and the zebra danios arnt quiet as big. So does this sound like a good idea? Will the 2 senior zebras in my 10g pick on them or will they welcome them? And also will my bloodfins terrorize all my smaller fish? I know they shouldnt but it might be possible right? Thanks a bunch for any opinions and suggestions.

- depthC


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
Visit site
I'm not sure of the compatibility of those fish, but when you do swap them, if you have any kind of rock or wood or ornaments, rearrange them. I've found in my tank that by doing this it causes a momentary lapse in the territoriality of the fish in their currently, then you add the new fish, and they all hammer out a new pecking order. If you just toss the fish in there, the current occupants will still judge everything as theirs and pick on them much sooner.